Do these clowns know they just robbed John Wick

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Sep 22, 2009
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I really enjoyed the first John Wick movie,,,
I mean who wouldn't love a movie about a man avenging his murdered puppy?

But the second one left me cold,,,
I've not watched the 3rd or 4th in the series.

I actually enjoyed watching the You tube videos of him training,,,
I wish I could afford the ammunition he shot up in one of the 5 minute videos.

A friend of mine met him at an airport,,,
He confirmed that he is a very down to earth guy.


Me too. The second kind of lacked. I think it was soul and connection. If you watch it back to back it isssssss better. But still not as good as part 1. 3 and 4 are just gratuitous shoot them up. This last one was more like a game with the round and body count.

It may seem silly but the first one was believable to me. Lost love, a puppy from the lost love to heal. Returning, forced to a life escaped and pure revenge. I love movies about revenge.

This last one, just the pure kinetic energy in his soft armor, and the rounds he took, he should have been dead like many times over at the beginning.

He went from believably fast, Jerry Mitchell shooting and reloads to just immortal. It kind of took the reality out of it from the first one.

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