I am, and never have been, opposed competition, or a FREE market economy! That, and the rule of law, not men, is what is responsable for our great nation having the undisputed highest standard of living in all of human history, while many of our neighbor nations live in hopeless poverty, and squalor, except the POLITICALLY ELITE, of course!! Nations with free labor can not compete with nations with SLAVE LABOR, like cimmunist China and many other totaliterian nations, a simple fact! the WORLD buying these cheap, counterfit products not only PROMOTES SLAVE LABOR, but makes the Communist Parties that actually run these nation s, RICH AND POWERFUL! 60 years ago China couldn't even defeat Japan, rememebr, Now they are the undssputed number two economic, and military power on earth, with plans to become number one! Does that sound like a good idea to you? I hope their military equipment is as faulty, as everything they ship to us, don't you?Back off a few minutes and try to imagine what things would be costing now if EVERYTHING was made in America, with current labor and material costs.