Why would he charge more for labor? Because the grocery store charges more, the gas station charges more, the (fill in the blank) charges more. It's called inflation.The Next Door Neighbor App had a lady on it today complaining that her A/C went out and she was quoted $20,000 to replace the unit. It seems to me that a couple of years ago some company was advertising on TV $4,995.00 for a complete unit. I am of the belief that there are a lot of companies that are taking advantage of the consumer by using Covid and now inflation to upcharge what should be a reasonable fee. I could be wrong but being a little cynical, I know that businesses are out there to make money, some anyway they can. So if my house needs painting, I can accept that paint has gone up a bit but why would the painter charge me more for his labor than a year ago? Correct me if I'm wrong, I've been wrong before and I've learned from my mistakes.