My oldest grandson is 12 and he's kinda getting into the EDC thing...pocket knives, multitools, flashlights and such. So I got him hooked up.
He's into the video game Minecraft and his dad bought him a Mincraft wallet for his birthday last November. Building on that theme, I bought him a hank from GondekEDC with the Minecraft green tile pattern.
I also gave him my old Leatherman Juice S2 and an OD green Olight i3e EOS flashlight and a Zero Feud pouch, also in OD green to put everything in.
I'll try to get a pic of him and his pocket dump next time I see him.
He's into the video game Minecraft and his dad bought him a Mincraft wallet for his birthday last November. Building on that theme, I bought him a hank from GondekEDC with the Minecraft green tile pattern.
I also gave him my old Leatherman Juice S2 and an OD green Olight i3e EOS flashlight and a Zero Feud pouch, also in OD green to put everything in.
I'll try to get a pic of him and his pocket dump next time I see him.