Attorney Andrew Branca, Robert Barnes, David Frei. I recently ordered his book, not yet read.
Attorney Andrew F. Branca, Esq. is in his fourth decade of practicing law, specializing in self-defense law of the United States, where he is an internationally recognized expert. Through his legal practice, Law of Self Defense LLC, Andrew helps law-abiding armed citizens make better informed, more confident, more decisive decisions in defense of themselves, their families, and their property.
Law of Self Defense
https://lawofselfdefense.comAttorney Andrew F. Branca, Esq. is in his fourth decade of practicing law, specializing in self-defense law of the United States, where he is an internationally recognized expert. Through his legal practice, Law of Self Defense LLC, Andrew helps law-abiding armed citizens make better informed, more confident, more decisive decisions in defense of themselves, their families, and their property.