Gun Buster Sign at Sooner Mall

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Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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When we discussed our carry policies here, one of the big concerns was liability. Maybe all of these OC caused issues stem from fear of a criminal surviving to then sue...


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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When we discussed our carry policies here, one of the big concerns was liability. Maybe all of these OC caused issues stem from fear of a criminal surviving to then sue...

I'd like to be at that civil trial:

Judge: Let me get this straight. You're suing this business because you got shot while trying to rob the place at gun point? Are you serious.

Thug: Yes your honor. If the business had prohibited guns in the store I wouldn't have been shot. Hell Judge, I cuda been killed. No guns and I'd have gotten away with the cash register money and no one would have been hurt.

Judge: So your contention is that being a thug is a hazardous profession as long as citizens can go armed and businesses let them do so.

Thug: I knew you'd get it judge. Where do the sheep get off carrying weapons. Its dangerous. There's no place for guns in our society. I got shot for pete's sake and that citizen needs to pay.

Judge: Oh I get it alright and someone is going to pay. YOU! Case dismissed. Bailiff don't let that scumbag out of this courtroom until he pays court costs and if he can't lock him up 'till he can. And while we're here I'd like to thank the citizen for taking this scum out and the business for allowing her to carry her weapon while there.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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I just sent this to Ms. Palmerton

Dear Ms. Palmerton,

It has been brought to my attention that Sooner Mall has instituted a policy banning all weapons from the mall. While I am a staunch advocate of a business's right to operate in the manner they deem most appropriate, I thought it important to let you know that your facility will no longer receive my business.

I am the lawful holder of a permit to carry a firearm in Oklahoma, something I do not take lightly. I sometimes carry my firearm openly, but more often concealed, in accordance with all state laws. In the past, I have found Sooner Mall to be a great place to shop, especially around this upcoming holiday season. However, with the holiday season always comes a rise in the rate of crime, including robbery. I will not willingly allow myself or my family members to be seen as disarmed targets by predators who may be out looking for an easy score this holiday season. To be honest, were I a criminal with such an inclination toward robbery or violent crime, the signs you have placed at Sooner Mall would make me all the more likely to target your patrons on their way in or out of the mall, being assured that they would be unable to contribute significantly to their own defense... against me!

Oklahoma has recently become the 44th state to allow citizens to openly carry firearms, and the fact of the matter is, the number of negative incidents involving lawfully-permitted firearms in the hands of honest, law-abiding citizens is almost immeasurably low - nationwide! In fact, the 140,000+ Oklahomans who currently hold a permit for concealed or open carry of firearms have been shown by the OSBI to have a lower rate of felony convictions than even Oklahoma's commissioned law enforcement officers! That is astounding to me, and heartening at the same time. Oklahoma is generally a very polite society, and the lawful and responsible carrying of firearms allows your patrons to defend themselves should the unthinkable happen. I believe this is a right you should not attempt to restrict.

With all respect and humility, I will this holiday season make the trip to other malls for my holiday shopping needs, such as Penn Square or Quail Springs.

Thank you very much for your attention, and I hope that you may have a change of heart and consider changing your policy. Please consider changing your signs to read, "No illegal weapons" or "Weapons prohibited except as specifically permitted by the Oklahoma Self Defense Act" or something to that effect. Even banning the open carry of firearms, while allowing people to continue to carry our weapons concealed (as we have since 1996 in Oklahoma) is a better option than simply turning us away.

I welcome your response and would be happy to help in your continued decision-making process in any way I can.


Prolly a bit long-winded and will likely get canned immediately upon seeing the subject. <sigh> In my experience shopping malls are pretty paranoid about liability issues.


Special Hen
Feb 25, 2010
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oklahoma city
I have to go there tomorrow for work. Im going to talk to bryan the mall manager and see what he says. I talked to him about carrying concealed and he told me not on the property and that he holds a CCL as well

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