Gun Owners of America: Reid 'Twisting Arms' to Confirm Anti-Gun Judicial Nominee

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Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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[That nominee is Caitlin Halligan, New York’s former Solicitor General, who President Barack Obama nominated to serve on the D.C. Court of Appeals. A Senate GOP aide previously told Breitbart News that Halligan is the “most anti-Second Amendment nominee” Obama has ever put forward.

In a letter to supporters on Monday, Gun Owners of America indicated their agreement with that Senate GOP aide’s assessment. “As New York’s Solicitor General, Halligan was one of the chief lawyers responsible for New York’s baseless and politically motivated efforts to bankrupt gun manufacturers using frivolous litigation,” the group wrote. “In so doing, Halligan proved that she places liberal political activism above fealty to the law.”

“Halligan’s public hatred for firearms was only matched by her zealotry inside the courtroom,” Gun Owners of America added. “In a speech on May 5, 2003, Halligan called for ‘handgun manufacturers [to be held] liable for criminal acts committed with handguns."...]


Special Hen
Sep 30, 2009
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NE Oklahoma
Let's not forget, the NRA donated the maximum allowable amount to liberal Harry Reid's re-election campaign in 2010.

Reid's campaign manager, Brandon Hall, noted that the NRA has donated to Reid's campaign and not to conservative opponent Sharon Angle's during the current election cycle. The group donated $4,950 to the Reid campaign, according to records maintained by the Center for Responsive Politics

"The NRA’s relationship with Sen. Reid has been long-standing and productive and – unlike for Sharron Angle – they’ve put their money where their mouth is this cycle. Along with their financial support, the declaration of NRA head Wayne LaPierre that Sen. Reid is 'a true champion of the Second Amendment' and that 'no one has been a stronger advocate for responsible gun ownership than him' shows beyond a doubt that the NRA believes Sen. Reid to be a strong advocate for Nevadans’ Second Amendment rights in the US Senate."

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