H&H shooting this morning?

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Jan 6, 2013
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Broken Arrow
I'd like your high school teacher to report back to us after

1) having 5 straight days of vigorous , exhausting sex with a demanding lover at 3-4x per day in your own home (good stress)


2) Being fired from his job and being brought up on felony charges of - almost anything (which admittedly could also lead to vigorous , exhausting sex with a demanding lover at 3-4x per day --- only not at home but face down looking at toilet water ) -- Bad stress

And see if both of those forms of stress are affecting the body the same way
I'm willing to test out #1. Need to get my wife on board though 🤔


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
Reaction score
Perhaps a person decided to "un alive" themselves. Happened at a range I frequented decades ago. At a drop zone I parachuted from a person came in with an extensive logbook, got on a plane and jumped out of the plane, never pulled the rip cord...
Our medical service MASH unit the 971st Medical Receiving Hospital had a term for that.

We called it "augering in".

I've seen 6 that augered in but these were on static line jumps.
Why dont people just say suicide or shot themselves in the head? I keep seeing this “un alive” phrase, is this kind of like the movement of stop saying retarded or special?

I'd like your high school teacher to report back to us after

1) having 5 straight days of vigorous , exhausting sex with a demanding lover at 3-4x per day in your own home (good stress)

Sounds like college spring break where we saved money and sunburns by not going to Florida.

2) Being fired from his job and being brought up on felony charges of - almost anything (which admittedly could also lead to vigorous , exhausting sex with a demanding lover at 3-4x per day --- only not at home but face down looking at toilet water ) -- Bad stress

And see if both of those forms of stress are affecting the body the same way



Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
Reaction score
Nice to know it is not the same.
Now I can go back to the gal that wanted it more than 6x a day every day.
But for real she stressed me out from all the sex.

No time to fish or hunt.
Always at least 45 minute sessions and closer to 2 hours. she would not quit.
You think you want a gal like that especially if she was super good looking but it wears on you.

I passed her of to my buddy :)
My buddies brother introduced her to me !

If that is not the buddy system I don't know what is
I had a super hot #12 on the 1 to 10 scale that was a nympho. She talked like a 3 year old wif yeth and um, um, um yeth, like um.

I couldn't stand her after a few days.
Nov 7, 2021
Reaction score
Perhaps a person decided to "un alive" themselves. Happened at a range I frequented decades ago. At a drop zone I parachuted from a person came in with an extensive logbook, got on a plane and jumped out of the plane, never pulled the rip cord...
Why dont people just say suicide or shot themselves in the head? I keep seeing this “un alive” phrase, i
How about -- made themselves cross the rainbow bridge?
So now we are calling them homosexuals upon assumed suicide? This is getting out of hand.

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