Horse Slaughter

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Special Hen
Apr 15, 2010
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Guthrie OK
I am a horse owner. We need a regulated kill market for equines in this country.
There are choices that need to be made when horses are unsound or loose the ability to live at full potential. If you've ever watched a throwaway, elderly horse gumming grain at a "rescue" you may be able to understand why it may be more humane to let that animal finish the circle as a productive food source.

In the big ranch areas... Horses are still turned out in the fall.... Usually with the expectation that a long time partner may not see the next spring.
I'd rather seem my old horse feed the wolves when his time come instead of finishing up in a bare lot with ringbone and bad hooves killing him slowly.


Special Hen
May 18, 2009
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In addition to all the above it would help drive the horse market and potentially keep people that don't really need a horse or consider it realistically to buy one because they are so cheap. At any time I could make a few phone calls and literally have horses given to me if I wanted them. Most of these are going to be young and un-trained, but still it causes people to think that because they are cheap it can't hurt to get one and this is not the case.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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In addition to all the above it would help drive the horse market and potentially keep people that don't really need a horse or consider it realistically to buy one because they are so cheap. At any time I could make a few phone calls and literally have horses given to me if I wanted them. Most of these are going to be young and un-trained, but still it causes people to think that because they are cheap it can't hurt to get one and this is not the case.

But horse slaughter, which some people seem to confuse with euthanasia, has always gone on in this country.
It's the word "humane" that rankles me most.
Kill a horse to feed a dog to feed a...
I depend on the slaughter of cattle to pay my bills,
But I'd rather get tossed out of a pick up window and take my chances.


Special Hen
Mar 16, 2010
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Since the horse slaughter stopped three years ago more horses are starving to death in inadequate pastures all across the country.

True, and the same people who got the horse slaughter stopped have an answer for that: just stop people from owning horses. Those same people are moving to create government regulations that will make it virtually impossible to own a horse, or any livestock for that matter.


Special Hen
Jul 2, 2010
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wow i am impressed, you guys get it. too bad so many Americans are so disconnected with reality that they dont .truth is, that the animal rights crowd have only caused more "suffering" of horses by stopping slaughter.

i have heard countless reports of horses being turned out on public lands, county roads, etc., in the last couple years. These horses wont "live free" in the wilderness, they will slowly starve to death and feed the coyotes, if they dont come crashing through someones windsheild some dark night.
there needs to be a sustainable outlet for the no longer useful ones.

and this brings up the "wild" horse issue. awhile back there was a thread about good places to visit in Oklahoma. someone mentioned the "wild" horses up in Osage county. there are no true "wild" horses in North America. they are feral horses - they are not indigenous.
and you and i pay in the neighborhood of $500 per head/per year in tax dollars to ranchers who quit raising cattle to be paid by the government to take care of a non-indigenous, invasive species.

its hard to blame the ranchers, its a guaranteed government check, no risk involved. and in truth i would hate to think there werent any mustangs left, but to spend millions in tax dollars to feed thousands and thousands of them until they die, then dipose of them when there is an alternative that is actually profitable is utterly moronic.

so in summation, yes, i beleive horse slaughter should be allowed

sorry, rant over

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