I am a horse owner. We need a regulated kill market for equines in this country.
There are choices that need to be made when horses are unsound or loose the ability to live at full potential. If you've ever watched a throwaway, elderly horse gumming grain at a "rescue" you may be able to understand why it may be more humane to let that animal finish the circle as a productive food source.
In the big ranch areas... Horses are still turned out in the fall.... Usually with the expectation that a long time partner may not see the next spring.
I'd rather seem my old horse feed the wolves when his time come instead of finishing up in a bare lot with ringbone and bad hooves killing him slowly.
There are choices that need to be made when horses are unsound or loose the ability to live at full potential. If you've ever watched a throwaway, elderly horse gumming grain at a "rescue" you may be able to understand why it may be more humane to let that animal finish the circle as a productive food source.
In the big ranch areas... Horses are still turned out in the fall.... Usually with the expectation that a long time partner may not see the next spring.
I'd rather seem my old horse feed the wolves when his time come instead of finishing up in a bare lot with ringbone and bad hooves killing him slowly.