House Weighs Bill to Make Gun Permits Valid Across State Lines

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Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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You know what, I hear that kind of stuff all the time, I refuse to vote because there is no difference between the parties they are both corrupt, well there is a difference, they may both be corrupt, but they are not all corrupt, would you rather live under a corrupt socialist, communist, muslim, okay anything goes type society, or live under a conservative type where a least we have our basic freedoms that we have always had. Neither is perfect, but I will take the conservative each and everytime.
You say you don't support the NRA because they make a huge number of mistakes, but let me tell you, if it wasn't for them we would have all been criminals and gunless or dead a longtime ago, just because you don't always agree with what they do, doesn't mean they never do good things to help fight for your 2nd amendment rights. In this present climate we had better support every group our pocket book will allow or we will be having a bloody revolution to keep our gunrights,and our country, because obama and his demons mean to take our guns and our country as we know it away, how else can they take over this country for their socialistic ideals, if we have weapons to stop them.
One more seat on the Supreme Court of liberal persuasion and the Second Amendment is gone for the forseeable future. The NRA-ILA posts every election who is pro and who is ant- gun as far as the candidates go, who else does that, they also post gun laws for each state, who else does that, they have so much information on their website just for us, now who else does that, so they do more than just make mistakes. They do a lot of good and will continue as long as some of us support them.

Fixed it for you!


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Enter the age old argument about whether or not the Constitution and it's amendments were meant to be "incorporated" to apply to the States....we can't have it multiple ways with different amendments, IMHO, just because we like one particular amendment. Either the Constitution is soley a restraint put on the Federal government by the States, or it is a restraint put on all levels of government.

It's a bigger issue than CCW permits being recognized...and I doubt it will ever be settled to everyone's satisfaction.

IMO, it should be regulated by the states. Not the feds and not local governments. Only a state should be allowed to regulate the right to keep & bear arms, and only within their state. The 10th Amendment takes a backseat only to the 2nd in the number of infringements. IMO, there should be no "F" in BATFE. The only federal gun law should be a word for word reprint of the 2nd Amendment.

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