Is carrying openly more advantageous to the 2A cause than carrying concealed?

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May 5, 2009
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Oklahoma City
Oklahoma is about as polite a society as there could be and most places and we can move about with little fear whether armed, or unarmed. I fully agree with most that tactically, CC is the way to go, but I would suggest that OC is politically far better and at this time, political issues should trump the tactical reasons to carry. It makes people less fearful as they become more accustomed to seeing a firearm strapped on the side of lawful citizens and an outward symbol of freedom and liberty. Slaves are not permitted to carry a weapon, since it can also be used against their masters.

Is it reasonable to believe that as a means to promote the true spirit of Constitutional Carry and preserve our remaining 2A rights, open carrying of our firearms is more important than the tactical advantage gained from carrying concealed?


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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I don't see CC as being tactically superior. I see it as a different tactic to self defense. I've seen first hand how it can stop an attack in the interview or positioning stages, rather than in the execution stage. I know that there are those who disagree. While I don't agree with your entire premise, I will agree that OC in Oklahoma in it's current licensed form is going to go a long way toward normalizing the sight of law abiding citizens safely and responsibly carrying for their own protection. This cannot help but make future legislative attempts to gain even more freedom more likely to succeed.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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East of Tulsa
I had posted something similar elsewhere, but I think most of Oklahoma's population did not think about firearms or that anyone might CCing. Now with OC, some will full OC, and some like myself will OWB with part of my holster sticking down below my un-tucked shirt or carry as usual but not be so protective of printing. All of these if they notice, will bring firearms into the minds of people who sat beside us last month but did not know and it did not cross their minds.

I have had several people recently noticed I was carrying ask me why I just decided to started carrying. I have responded that they have never seen me unarmed, but because of the old CC only laws I had to hide it, let it pinch my skin, or keep it deep in my pocket where my firearm would be hard to get to if I were sitting down. I am the same person with the same firearm I was last month, I am just dressing a little more comfortable. Most of the time I move on to promoting personal defense and the 2A. Two people have signed up for a carry class that had not thought about 2A one way or the other. One person avoids sitting beside me for now.

I think we are in an adjustment period from "Out of sight, out of mind" to "In sight if you are looking for it, so what", but I do think more people are conscious of 2A whether they agree or not is another question, it is supposed to be the law.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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Broken Arrow
Short answer - YES. The more sheeple see that we are just normal people going about our normal everyday lives, and just happen to be armed, the more normal it will become. Carry on.

Also, I agree with Brian about no tactical advantage to CC. The way I look at it, tactics is what you do when the brain says GO. OC should be a faster presentation than CC. OC has the strategic advantage of letting the BG make an informed decision to try to hassle someone else, so no tactics needed on your part.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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I feel, (as a personal humble opinion) that concealed carry is the only advantage to carrying a firearm. It offers the best tactical advantage of surprise. I feel, that while open carry might change a perps mind about committing a crime, it's seems more logical that a criminal will use a tactical advantage of surprise to gain not only what they are initially after, but the possibility of another firearm. Criminals who seem stupid enough to commit crime probably won't have that inner monologue of conscience to determine "That person might shoot me." Instead, (still humble opinion, don't get all butthurt) I feel they would look for a way to gain more from the single act.

I asked myself these exact questions when I was trying to determine what my personal stance on it would be. So I pit myself into a criminals mind. If I were going to rob a quick trip for a little cash, and I saw someone waiting in line with an openly displayed firearm... I'd walk in and shoot the lawful citizen to gain an additional firearm, arguably either A) Worth more than the till... Or B) A much better gat than what I'd currently be making my living with.


May 5, 2009
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Oklahoma City
At age 55, I've lived in large cities for most of my adult life and never witnessed a crime, much less been the victim of a violent crime that a firearm would have made a difference. Maybe I'm over-due, but truth is, I fear a tyrannous Federal government a whole lot more than I fear being the victim of a random thug. IMHO and right or wrong, I believe the Founding Fathers gave us the 2A not to hunt deer, or defend ourselves against a burglar, but as a last resort defense against tyranny. I think OC gives TPTB a little something to think about as they grab our genitals at TSA checkpoints, pass laws like the NDAA and Patriot Act.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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... Criminals who seem stupid enough to commit crime probably won't have that inner monologue of conscience to determine "That person might shoot me." Instead, (still humble opinion, don't get all butthurt) I feel they would look for a way to gain more from the single act...

Read this:
You may change your mind.

Here's a short snippet:

FEAR of the armed citizen and the threat of tough punishment for using a gun (or other weapons) in committing a violent crime are significant factors in both reducing and deterring crime, according to the results of a survey of imprisoned felons conducted by Professors James D. Wright and Peter H. Rossi.

Fifty-six percent of the felons surveyed agreed that "A criminal is not going to mess around with a victim he knows is armed with a gun;" 74% agreed that "One reason burglars avoid houses when people are at home is that they fear being shot."

A 57% majority agreed that "Most criminals are more worried about meeting an armed victim than they are about running into the police." In asking felons what they personally thought about while committing crimes, 34% indicated that they thought about getting "shot at by police" or "shot by victim."


Special Hen
May 13, 2010
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Hiding from all you crazy people!!!
I feel, (as a personal humble opinion) that concealed carry is the only advantage to carrying a firearm. It offers the best tactical advantage of surprise.

The attacker usually always has the advantage or element of "suprise"...
I would have to guess that the vast majority of people who have been robbed, mugged, beat'n or attacked in any way had no idea it was about to happen til it did.
Surprise! your being robbed....
Digging your gun out of your IWB, pocket, man purse etc isn't very tactical when your already looking down the barrel of a bad guys gun now is it? But then again buy that point, no in the world is fast enough to pull from an OWB before the bad guy can squeeze one off either.

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