Is carrying openly more advantageous to the 2A cause than carrying concealed?

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Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
Permitted Open Carry is no closer to Constitutional Carry than Permitted Concealed Carry.

That being said, I understand the argument that it could help condition the sheeple and make them less gun-averse.

Did any of the states that currently allow unpermitted open carry follow the path of permitted concealed, to permitted open, to Constitutional?


Formerly SirROFL
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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 4, 2009
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A right not exercised openly and publicly will become an oddity to those who have less need for it. It will be forgotten, opening it to assault via legislation. Providing a good example in exercising our rights as we see fit is the first duty of every citizen. Other people need to know that self defense by any means necessary is a human right, and is physically impossible to take away.

If firearms were illegal, I would still have one. If carrying them was illegal, I would still conceal one. So long as they're not we need to be good citizens and shepherds of the Constitution, and remind people that those rights exist eternally whether they are aware or not.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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Broken Arrow
I feel, (as a personal humble opinion) that concealed carry is the only advantage to carrying a firearm. It offers the best tactical advantage of surprise. I feel, that while open carry might change a perps mind about committing a crime, it's seems more logical that a criminal will use a tactical advantage of surprise to gain not only what they are initially after, but the possibility of another firearm. Criminals who seem stupid enough to commit crime probably won't have that inner monologue of conscience to determine "That person might shoot me." Instead, (still humble opinion, don't get all butthurt) I feel they would look for a way to gain more from the single act.

I asked myself these exact questions when I was trying to determine what my personal stance on it would be. So I pit myself into a criminals mind. If I were going to rob a quick trip for a little cash, and I saw someone waiting in line with an openly displayed firearm... I'd walk in and shoot the lawful citizen to gain an additional firearm, arguably either A) Worth more than the till... Or B) A much better gat than what I'd currently be making my living with.

I see you are still trying to put forth the idea that OC'ers walk around with a "shoot me first" on their back/front. It is obvious that you haven't spent much time trying to prove this point but just keep echoing the same old tired lie. Of the copious amounts of crimes committed, there are only one or two where a random criminal commiting a random crime chose to shoot the person with a gun first. This subject has been researched over and over again on It is the premier site for open carry issues and you would do well to spend some time there.


Nov 1, 2012
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At age 55, I've lived in large cities for most of my adult life and never witnessed a crime, much less been the victim of a violent crime that a firearm would have made a difference. Maybe I'm over-due, but truth is, I fear a tyrannous Federal government a whole lot more than I fear being the victim of a random thug. IMHO and right or wrong, I believe the Founding Fathers gave us the 2A not to hunt deer, or defend ourselves against a burglar, but as a last resort defense against tyranny. I think OC gives TPTB a little something to think about as they grab our genitals at TSA checkpoints, pass laws like the NDAA and Patriot Act.

An exceptional post and the true reason for any person to arm themselves. I also see OC as a tool for education purposes. Although I'm still CC'ing, I've gotten into discussions with non-carriers about the reasons you've mentioned. Some folks are receptive, others not so much. Either way, someone OC'ing can show by example that firearms aren't the reason evil exists, but instead can be a solution in curtailing evil. It's likely that in the course of our day we'll come into contact with far more average folks than criminals.


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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I see you are still trying to put forth the idea that OC'ers walk around with a "shoot me first" on their back/front. It is obvious that you haven't spent much time trying to prove this point but just keep echoing the same old tired lie. Of the copious amounts of crimes committed, there are only one or two where a random criminal commiting a random crime chose to shoot the person with a gun first. This subject has been researched over and over again on It is the premier site for open carry issues and you would do well to spend some time there.

Just my opinion friend. I can respect that we disagree.


May 5, 2009
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Oklahoma City
I dunno, but if I was a bad guy and say an open carrier, I would just look for a softer target someplace else. I figure most criminals are lazy, stupid or drugged-up. I just don't walk around in fear of being the victim of a shooter that CC would be such a great advantage. I fear tyranny much more and when an oppressive government bent on tyranny sees millions of armed citizens, my hope is it will be them who thinks twice.

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