It Doesn’t Pay to Work.

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ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
The statistics do point to more welfare recipients supporting the democrats. In items like public housing, the recipients are something like 80% democrat supporters, but the rest of the stats I've seen are around 60-50%.

Even with this welfare group identifying as democrats, the statistics I've seen indicate that the average Democrat makes more money than the average Republican. So when we consider, "at what point do the makers (earners) get fed up with the takers?", we're kind of at an impasse. The people who earn the most money are the ones supporting these programs.

Yeah, but the total population of the US that receives welfare is around 4% (some numbers include a lot of social security and tax credits to up that number to as high as 8%, but even at 8% of the entire population of the US - that's not even close to the numbers that many of the folks on this board have in their heads and that article is purposely skewing every point they can to get around that fact).

I'm not trying to turn this into a R vs. D debate (though reading my comment, I did go there) but yes - the Welfare system is broken and everyone knows that (including the majority of the Democrats) but it's not as if everyone in the US is on welfare or that the system actually so screwed up that it promotes people who aren't a piece of $#!+ in the first place to quit their jobs.

I just tire of the one-sided articles posted here that get everyone angry and we all sit around and talk about the other side and how stupid it is.

I hear these exact same arguments from my Democrat friends and I seriously thought since the election that this would die down some.

Lots of people with nothing better to do than get angry over lop-sided reports of things and refuse to actually look up the truth behind blogs and news-media hype.

I guess I've got better stuff to do in life than just sit around and invent things in which to make myself more angry.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
If churches would do more good here at home, the government wouldn't need as many tax dollars to support the unemployable and their offspring. So the next time your church wants to raise money for a mission outside of the boarders stand up and say "no, let's stay home and help our own".


Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
Thats just it. The leaches are NOT working 40 hrs a week. So pleanty of time to try and get handouts.

So what you're saying here is that the premise of the article and the OP is wrong?

I'll bite. If someone is working 40 hours a week and earning $29K a year, why would they need ANY benefits entitlements at all?

Would they need them? I don't know. Of course around OSA you have a lot of people grossing 70K+ wondering why poor people can't do more with less.
I've made it on 20K before, but I didn't have a kid or health insurance either. Of course I also had 2 roommates and I could walk to work.

But now, hell I don't know how people raise kids that way. I make good money now but it would kill me financially if I had to put the kids in daycare.
It would be a neat exercise to see how a budget would play out for a single parent, working 40 hours a week to gross $29K.


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Such blinded people!!!

1) The stats are government stats.
2) Really depends on what hours/days you work if you have time to go sit and get benefits. Of course since so much of it can be done online now it really does not make a difference.

EDIT: I almost forgot. Nearly one-in-three US residents receive government assistance - and that’s not even including those benefitting from Social Security or Medicare.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Such blinded people!!!

1) The stats are government stats.
2) Really depends on what hours/days you work if you have time to go sit and get benefits. Of course since so much of it can be done online now it really does not make a difference.

EDIT: I almost forgot. Nearly one-in-three US residents receive government assistance - and that’s not even including those benefitting from Social Security or Medicare.

I'd bet that 90% of US residents recieve .gov benefits in some form or fashion if you included everything available. Buying voter segments is part and parcel of political office these days and it's why we're $16T+ in debt. :(

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
Such blinded people!!!

1) The stats are government stats.
2) Really depends on what hours/days you work if you have time to go sit and get benefits. Of course since so much of it can be done online now it really does not make a difference.

EDIT: I almost forgot. Nearly one-in-three US residents receive government assistance - and that’s not even including those benefitting from Social Security or Medicare.

That's the problem - what is "Government assistance" and where are all of these people who receive it (none of the sources in that article painted that picture)?

If 30% of the US was on the sort of welfare most folks on this site have in their mind, we couldn't function as a country (not that we do right now - or that we have in the past 25 or so years but it would basically grind to a halt in about 3 months).


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
That's the problem - what is "Government assistance" and where are all of these people who receive it (none of the sources in that article painted that picture)?

If 30% of the US was on the sort of welfare most folks on this site have in their mind, we couldn't function as a country (not that we do right now - or that we have in the past 25 or so years but it would basically grind to a halt in about 3 months).

Foodstamps, temp aid to families, childcare, housing assistance, etc, etc. Click on the first chart and it list them.

Let me be very clear on something, I have no problem AT ALL with people that really need help getting it. I do have a problem with the government handing it out to everyone, changing how the poverty level is figured just to get more people on it, and then making it so that it is better not to work.

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