JB, Lurker, Ignernt and all you other Blue dogs....

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Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
But my post count has pretty much doubled since this stupid election started and I feel like I've gotten to know this community's members a lot better. :)

Jim Corrigan

Aug 23, 2012
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Or ya know, the Soviets got tied up in that Cold War arms race and bought too many bombs and not enough food. Also, they kinda got tied up in the Middle East fighting unnecessary wars.

Just saying "You can't tax the rich, they just don't pay! All you can do it tax poor saps like me because we don't have the power to fight back!" is kinda giving up, and obviously admitting that capitalism sucks.


Aug 14, 2012
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Ok, sanjuro, heres my best, most rational argument.
If we elect one man to be President, and IF he happens to be an avowed communist, that still doesnt make the U.S is a communist nation. If Obama is really Communist and IF the U.S. is a communist nation, that would mean all of our ELECTED official are communist.

Right down to our local small town mayors, councilmen and Dog catchers. This is what you are saying. Colburn, Imhoff, Fallon, local Sherriffs, county comissioners ect. are all communist.

This is why us "blue dogs" laugh. It just aint reality, or rational. It is fun tho.


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Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
Or ya know, the Soviets got tied up in that Cold War arms race and bought too many bombs and not enough food. Also, they kinda got tied up in the Middle East fighting unnecessary wars.

Just saying "You can't tax the rich, they just don't pay! All you can do it tax poor saps like me because we don't have the power to fight back!" is kinda giving up, and obviously admitting that capitalism sucks.

<facepalm> yes, that's what it took me a friggin hour to write. I give up on taxing the rich and capitalism sucks.

I'm saying both sides want more power over me, but one side benefits more from me being free to buy their junk than the other who wants to me to "need" them and be my benefactor. (God, that was so much easier to type)

There is no "fighting back" cuz I don't want to fight anybody. I don't CARE if they're rich or not. It's not MY place to say who has what, nor is it YOURS. If you're so upset about them being the "haves" and you the "have nots", YOU go fight them. Good luck, Che. I'm fine just being the poor sap that I am.

And the soviets were running out of food BEFORE the cold war or even WWII for that matter. That's why there was one purge and reform after another from 1920 on up until Stalin and WWII.

Jim Corrigan

Aug 23, 2012
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'I'm saying both sides want more power over me, but one side benefits more from me being free to buy their junk than the other who wants to me to "need" them and be my benefactor. (God, that was so much easier to type)'
But that one side doesn't/won't need you to buy things from them, they can look at India, China, or Korea.

''There is no "fighting back" cuz I don't want to fight anybody. I don't CARE if they're rich or not. It's not MY place to say who has what, nor is it YOURS. If you're so upset about them being the "haves" and you the "have nots", YOU go fight them. Good luck, Che. I'm fine just being the poor sap that I am.''

I'm not upset, you said NEVEREEVEREVEREVER, seemed like you were upset. But if your point remains that it won't work to tax the rich because they won't pay, you're admitting the system is flawed. Big time.

And the soviets were running out of food BEFORE the cold war or even WWII for that matter. That's why there was one purge and reform after another from 1920 on up until Stalin and WWII.

So they had limited resources to being with? They didn't just fail because they were Communists?


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Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
Ok, sanjuro, heres my best, most rational argument.
If we elect one man to be President, and IF he happens to be an avowed communist, that still doesnt make the U.S is a communist nation. If Obama is really Communist and IF the U.S. is a communist nation, that would mean all of our ELECTED official are communist.

Right down to our local small town mayors, councilmen and Dog catchers. This is what you are saying. Colburn, Imhoff, Fallon, local Sherriffs, county comissioners ect. are all communist.

This is why us "blue dogs" laugh. It just aint reality, or rational. It is fun tho.

You're right. It's irrational. I never for one instant said that we have a communist nation. I said that the president and many who follow him are at the least communist sympathizers who want to institute those policies here. The policies are failed ex-soviet pipe dreams. They have always failed before, yet people keep buying into the idea. That's why us bible and gun-toting right-wingers laugh. Einstein said the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Why will these policies work here when they haven't worked in Cuba, Venezuela, the Soviet Union, Greece, Spain, Ireland, numerous African countries.....?
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Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
Comrade Jim, I don't have the answers. Capitalist countries are more free than socialist/communist countries ever have been or ever will be. It's that simple. There were walls put up to keep soviets IN their country, not to keep us out. Our system isn't perfect, but it's the best out of all of the crap the socialists and redistributors have tried. You want proof? How about we've been around for almost 300 years on capitalism, we've survived, even THRIVED and we're still putting along, even though we're not sure of the future. Soviets only had 80 years, and imprisoned or KILLED more of their own people in 80 years than we have in 300, so there ya go. I'm not willing to give up my liberties on the empty promise that some all-good, all-powerful benefactor government will improve my life in some way. And no matter how much you wish for it, Peter Pan, there will always be money, greed, poor people, rich people, and human nature. So take your SEIU t-shirt and your bullhorn and go sell your snake oil to some activist college kids cuz I'm not buying.
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Jim Corrigan

Aug 23, 2012
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But that all good, all powerful government is.....you and me. It's not corporations lobbying corrupt politicians. It's a more direct democracy. I like how your only model of socialism is the failed Soviet Union. Like there aren't any successful socialist nations in the world right now. I don't see how people in Amsterdam are less free than Americans.


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Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
But that all good, all powerful government is.....you and me. It's not corporations lobbying corrupt politicians. It's a more direct democracy. I like how your only model of socialism is the failed Soviet Union. Like there aren't any successful socialist nations in the world right now. I don't see how people in Amsterdam are less free than Americans.
I do! Have you BEEN to Amsterdam? Do you know what the application process is to get a job/ Do you know what their tax rate is? What do they get in return? How long does it take before you can see a doctor? CAN YOU OWN A GUN IN AMSTERDAM? Can you carry a knife? They're NOT as free as you or I. Want to try somewhere else? Canada? Ask the SAME QUESTIONS! They're NOT as free as you or I. Show me somewhere they have more freedom under a socialist system and I'll PACK MY FRIGGIN BAGS! IT DOESN'T EXIST! :lmfao:

And as for your pointing out that the gov't is you and me, you're RIGHT. That CHANGES when you VOTE to institute SOCIALIST POLICY! Jeez! CUBA, ARGENTINA, CHILE, the list is ENDLESS! MORE GOV'T = LESS FREEDOM.

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