Just now in catoosa area. High speed chase?

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Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
Broken Arrow
So, I'm headed to work via county line north bound to catoosa and the 244 on ramp. I approach the 21st and county line interaction and a speeding white venture minivan smokes up from 21st and cuts in front of me on to county line headed north. Then proceeds to spewed and pass everything in it's way. I noticed it had for sale signs in every window.

As I go through the interaction, a black Yukon suv is hauling ass from the same direction the van came. Blows past me and proceeds as if chasing or following.

I didn't think to get license numbers it was too quick. I keep an eye on them as they jump sighs and race onto 244 west bound. I got caught on the 3 lights there in catoosa. So I lost sight. But to my surprise as I am headed up the hill west bound on 244 I notice in the east bound side the two vehicles headed east still hauling ass. Musta turned around

Anyways, much to my pleasure what is on their tail but the flashing blue and reds. And two more interceptors within the next mile headed the same way.

Get em boyz!!!!

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