The April issue of Handloader has a good artical on using Trailboss powder for light loads in centerfire rifle using jacketed bullets and it works for cast too.
I have a Speer #13 manual and it lists Accurate Arms XMP 5744 powder for reduced loads. With a 130gr bullet is lists 25gr @ 1814fps to start & 27gr @1941 fps as a max.
With a 150gr bullet 26gr @ 1933fps start & 28gr @ 2052fps max.
I use IMR 4759 in my 45-70 and some other calibers with cast bullets. I have data I could look up for it if you need it.
Here is a link to the pdf article on Hogdgon website for youth loads. I got my 10 yrs 308 load from here and it worked great with minimal tuning. I see they have youth 30-06 loads as well.
AllOut, this is a little off topic, but changing barrels on the Savage is truly simple and easy for anyone with even moderate mechanical aptitude. Given the same barrel contour, you can put about anything you want to on the 110 action, and then put back the 30-06 when you want to. I think for recoil reduction I might consider going to a 25-06, though a .280 is also a fairly soft shooter and may be the best deer round of all.
My 110 is now the permanent home of a .338-06 barrel, and I sold the 30-06 barrel because I have that caliber in some other guns.
If you do decide to go the switch-barrel route, PM me and I'll steer you toward some good information. CB