LTC Allen West is running for NRA Executive Vice President

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Ain’t no way Wayne is getting voted out. He has that board in his pocket. He has built his empire and he ain’t leaving. What kills me is how many folks still go to these events where Wayne speaks. Has he been booed yet? I would think a lot of the people that go to these events are supporters that don’t even know what he has done.
Every CEO builds a board of directors that will support the CEO through thick and thin, always voting for his "visions" of how the corporation should move forward because they know they are potentially in line to take that position if and when the CEO resigns for a huge monetary increase.
It's rare but not impossible for a board of directors to vote one of their own out, but in Wayne's case, the evidence is so overwhelming that I don't see how they can't be opposed with those members that support the NRA bailing out by the thousands in opposition to Wayne. The leadership at one point has to listen to the stake holders/members that are the sole support of the NRA financially.
No money other than donations and memberships comes into the NRA for support.
It's time for Wayne to go.
I'll support West.

OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
One of the problems with conservatives is they're constantly making 'perfect' the enemy of 'good enough'. There is nothing inherently wrong with being a politician. It's how the person conducts themselves when they're in office that counts. I know it's popular to say all politicians are crooked or evil or whatever. That's as wrong as saying all cops or used car salesmen are bad.

Just because Lt Col West is a politician doesn't mean he's not right for the job. There may be other reasons, but that's not one.

Wayne LaPierre, also a politician, reminds me of the old joke... "99% of politicians give the other 1% a bad name..."


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Jan 2, 2013
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Benefactor member, still get weekly phone calls even though I've asked them to stop. I usually ignore them but last time I listened to their script and told them I would not donate anything until Wayne is gone. The guy changed to a different script, obviously laid out in front of him, about how all the internal investigations showed no wrong doing of Wayne and kept saying all the "great things" he's done for the NRA. I ended up hanging up on him because he wouldn't stop...

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