What I find funny is many people on this very board if the subject were guns not tshirts in a private business would be screaming about how wrong it is for the business not to let you exercise your rights. All he was doing was expressing his 1st Amendment rights. He, according to the article, did not make a scene. The TSA saw nothing wrong with the shirt, it was a Delta employee that made a big deal about the thing. Now lets change to private businesses. If this would have happened at Quick Trip or 7/11 and involved a gun everyone here would be petitioning those establishments. So lets say you walk into one of those places and you talk to your neighborhood police officer who you know and knows you carry. He says nothing, then because you dropped a quarter on the ground you bend over and the store employee sees your gun and asks you to leave. It is not quite the same but close. This guy is an a-hat for wearing a shirt that makes fun of the TSA. The TSA had no issue with it, however some power tripping Delta employee with zero sense of humor got offended. Then after that too many over zealous people got involved at what was the most exciting thing to happen to them that week. The guy did nothing wrong and his political speech should be protected.
This hypocrisy is frequently pointed out by JB.
I disagree that he's being an a-hole, though. He has every right to protest the perversion, sexual and non-sexual, performed by the TSA, whether it's through a microphone or on a t-shirt. Many men died fighting for this man's right to do so. Personally, I wouldn't wear it, nor would the majority of us, but that doesn't mean he's an a-hole for doing so.