Mr. Peanut is dead.

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Special Hen
Nov 5, 2022
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Geez, this thread was about Mr. Peanut being dead, and I thought you were talking about that poor squirrel that was murdered by New York gestapo.
There IS a big difference. Peanut the Squirrel is in Heaven.

Oct 9, 2012
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Have to remember this, part of the issue with Carter and Iran, he gave "sanctuary" to the Shah of Iran. He stuck his nose where it shouldn't have been, and we have been having issues ever since.
Careful - we can't be admitting reasons for the "hate America" stuff from the Middle East.

Remember, Iran hates us for our freedom. /S/
Nov 18, 2022
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Have to remember this, part of the issue with Carter and Iran, he gave "sanctuary" to the Shah of Iran. He stuck his nose where it shouldn't have been, and we have been having issues ever since.
I would say and I don't care if its a popular view or not is that Carter didn't prop the Shah up and prevent fundamental Islamist from taking power his pacifism created so many foreign policy nightmares its not funny . His inaction came by the way after he gave the Shah an endorsement in Tehran before the revolution happened and that ired the Ayatollah. The Shah was at fault too though for not not having the Ayatollah killed instead of exiling him when he could have easily done so and then later allowed the Ayatollah to return to Iran . Iran is proof of what democracy will get you so much so that current generations are longing for the good old days and freedoms they had under the Shah.

I could care less though what kind of government other nations have as long as they are friendly to the US when we have to deal with them . Mostly though I want to see us not involved with countries we don't need to be involved with at all .
Oct 9, 2012
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I would say and I don't care if its a popular view or not is that Carter didn't prop the Shah up and prevent fundamental Islamist from taking power his pacifism created so many foreign policy nightmares its not funny . His inaction came by the way after he gave the Shah an endorsement in Tehran before the revolution happened and that ired the Ayatollah. The Shah was at fault too though for not not having the Ayatollah killed instead of exiling him when he could have easily done so and then later allowed the Ayatollah to return to Iran . Iran is proof of what democracy will get you so much so that current generations are longing for the good old days and freedoms they had under the Shah.

I could care less though what kind of government other nations have as long as they are friendly to the US when we have to deal with them . Mostly though I want to see us not involved with countries we don't need to be involved with at all .
Sounds like you really have researched this Shah business well.

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