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- 250$
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- Oklahoma, United States
NEW - MSRP would run around 400+ for this set of rotors/brakes.
2x Brake Rotors Part Number 53040DG
2x Brake Rotors Part Number 53041DG
1 Pack Brake Pads DGC1273
1 Pack Brake Pads DGC1274
$250 takes the lot!
Someone left em in the shop, and don't need them! Located around Altus area
2x Brake Rotors Part Number 53040DG
2x Brake Rotors Part Number 53041DG
1 Pack Brake Pads DGC1273
1 Pack Brake Pads DGC1274
$250 takes the lot!
Someone left em in the shop, and don't need them! Located around Altus area