No More Private Farms

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Special Hen
Nov 30, 2015
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Look at "United Nations Conference on Environment & Development Rio de Janerio, Brazil, 3 to 14 June 1992 AGENDA 21. It is a complete plan to remove people too high density inner city housing. Take away the land because we are not good steward's. Then live off what the Gov wants to give us. Population control....
I'll assume you know it's been underway for a few years now. Most here have lived a good life, but what comes of our children and grandchildren. That's what hurts.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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I had a cousin owned a family dairy between Ada and Roft. Worked hard before sun up to after dark, 365 days year. Milked 180 cows, twice a day, then planted, baled and put up hay.

Put 2 sons through college, oldest a CPA, youngest IT. Day after the youngest graduated, the cows were sold and land listed.

The 2 sons got good jobs, making good money, bought land and a few beef cows.

They were told repeatedly, they would never that dairy, they would get educations and work smarter, not harder.

Oldest son sat behind a desk, struggled with his weight, high stress, had a heart attack and passed at 48, in '05.
His Dad passed in '06 at 84, smoked like a chimney.
His Mom in '07
Youngest in '08 at 50 year old.

Maybe that hard work wasn't so bad.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 7, 2021
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Dutch farmers are being told they have to kill their livestock because of the nitrates and ammonia they create. Dutch farmers were protesting by fill streets with tractors. There is a push there to do away with private farms and have governments control the growing and distribution of food. This was reported on OAN this morning. They say it is coming to Canada next and then the USA. No doubt this is more about people control than giving a damn about the environment. Maybe this is why so much farmland is being bought up by the very rich and China. They can get a sweetheart deal leasing the land to Government corporate farm growers. Control the media, healthcare, transportation, education, energy, and the food supply then the only thing left is the guns. Slavery is getting closer all the time.
And yet you dont see armed americans assembling and actually making plans to defend farmers against anyone who represents the overreaching government…… everyone gets excited but wont risk their ass for others when push comes to shove and the possibility of doing permanent things arise.


Special Hen
Jul 31, 2022
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Elk City
And yet you dont see armed americans assembling and actually making plans to defend farmers against anyone who represents the overreaching government…… everyone gets excited but wont risk their ass for others when push comes to shove and the possibility of doing permanent things arise.
We all know how efficiently the government works too! With talk of food shortages in our future you might wanna consider eating your neighbors at some point.
There are too many large farms that are nothing more than corporations. More incentives should be given to smaller farms especially those not so dependent on pesticides and herbicides. Our food sources are filled with hormones, children developing earlier and earlier not to mention the horrible medical abnormalities associated with this.
Our parents are grandparents we’re far healthier people and society than we are currently. Sure we might live longer but that just means the government is milking more out of the cow!


Special Hen
Jul 31, 2022
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Elk City
If you allow a child to run rampant you grow a rotten little being. If you beat they're ass when its called for you grow a respectable being. Same applies for the big picture. Without an ass beating, respect shall not come and the pasture maggots will be corralled. The big question is will the maggots awake ? Given the lack of situational awareness I sadly have my doubts. But I pray regularly that I'm wrong.
Everyone says we need to leave a better planet for our kids, how about leaving better kids for our planet?


Special Hen
Nov 30, 2015
Reaction score
I had a cousin owned a family dairy between Ada and Roft. Worked hard before sun up to after dark, 365 days year. Milked 180 cows, twice a day, then planted, baled and put up hay.

Put 2 sons through college, oldest a CPA, youngest IT. Day after the youngest graduated, the cows were sold and land listed.

The 2 sons got good jobs, making good money, bought land and a few beef cows.

They were told repeatedly, they would never that dairy, they would get educations and work smarter, not harder.

Oldest son sat behind a desk, struggled with his weight, high stress, had a heart attack and passed at 48, in '05.
His Dad passed in '06 at 84, smoked like a chimney.
His Mom in '07
Youngest in '08 at 50 year old.

Maybe that hard work wasn't so bad.
A body in motion stays in motion.

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