Odocoileus virginianus pic thread 2020/2021

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Are you serious?
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Logan County
7 years of bad luck ended Friday the 13th when ain't happenin made it happen! On property we just bought to build on at the beginning of October.

I have been working ridiculous hours lately and decided to let my wife sleep in last Saturday. Weather wasn't super conducive to hunting so I got up with the kids and my cameras proved I made a bad decision. This buck had been strictly nocturnal by 2+ hours and there he was. View attachment 180315

Sunday I was there and he came in at 8am. I drew and he made it to 10 yards, staying behind trees and stopping right behind a cedar. He'd gotten downwind at this point and he turned 180 degrees, then trotted off.

Wednesday I was going to take the morning off to hunt, but my boss scheduled a 7am meeting. Fine, I'll go in the afternoon. My mom randomly came in town and wanted to have dinner. Ok, not hunting...View attachment 180314

I moved everything I could to Thursday and told my boss I'd work some midday in between hunts on Friday. I get up yesterday morning and he'd been there at 1130pm, 1230am and 430am. I didn't have high hopes but I went anyway. I had multiple does come through with little bucks following and a few yearlings on their own but it all stopped at 850. I usually sit until 11 but I was going over everything I needed to do and decided at 1015 it was time to be responsible. I dropped my fall away rest and unnocked my arrow. With my nock still pinched in my fingers, I hear footsteps. I turn and there he is at 25 yards, coming in without a care in the world. He stopped in a lane but I'd have to spin and draw at the same time, so I waited. He continued to a small window where I drew. He paused looking like a shoulder mount in the window. He took 1.5 steps forward, hesitated and started to turn away. I released the arrow and saw fur fly from center chest. I lost sight of him around 30 yards (it's insanely thick). I called my wife and was shouting into the phone. My safety harness was definitely a good idea during this. It took me 15 minutes and 3 phone calls before I could climb down. Another 15 minutes before I stepped away from the tree. I found my arrow, coated in blood and stuck it in the ground where he'd been. I then waited for a buddy to get there. We picked up the track with really good blood and found him 50 yards away! View attachment 180316

Turns out to be a 10 point with a propensity for shredding trees. Couldn't be happier!
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Congrats! Feels great to end that drought. :)

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