Officer ‘allegedly’ shoots, kills family dog in Hennessy

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
. Strays out here tend to wander off or locals will take them in.
Those that wander off end up around our place in the country when the free willy folks release them into the wild.
Coyotes certainly target them and the feral cats. Neighbor had a bottle calf long horn killed in the pen yesterday. She came over to ask us if we would shoot on sight which we certainly agreed to. Pit mixed and a Chow roaming the woods around here.
I'm certainly not excusing the OP's officer that was wrong for what he did. He is in a position of authority and responsible to the public. If the dog wasn't a danger the world we live in with social media would have relieved him of the corgi quickly by adoption or getting word to the owners.
When our old Brittney with dementia wandered away several years ago, wife put a word out on FB. It was amazing how many people started driving the roads looking for it. One report two miles away of a dog matching the description a day later. Another day later, we got a phone call from a guy that saw it on his place and penned it up in a shop building before getting online to see if it was lost, two miles away.
Jan 6, 2008
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Those that wander off end up around our place in the country when the free willy folks release them into the wild.
Coyotes certainly target them and the feral cats. Neighbor had a bottle calf long horn killed in the pen yesterday. She came over to ask us if we would shoot on sight which we certainly agreed to. Pit mixed and a Chow roaming the woods around here.
I'm certainly not excusing the OP's officer that was wrong for what he did. He is in a position of authority and responsible to the public. If the dog wasn't a danger the world we live in with social media would have relieved him of the corgi quickly by adoption or getting word to the owners.
When our old Brittney with dementia wandered away several years ago, wife put a word out on FB. It was amazing how many people started driving the roads looking for it. One report two miles away of a dog matching the description a day later. Another day later, we got a phone call from a guy that saw it on his place and penned it up in a shop building before getting online to see if it was lost, two miles away.
In Piedmont that’s how social media works. Daily there are posts about found animals or strays that people see wondering around. Facebook posts complete with pictures, locations and directions of travel. Some folks catch them and take them home until the owners are located. Many folks will take them up to the vet to check and see if they are chipped. There are a few town dogs that like to lay in their yards right next to the road and folks get concerned about their safety. Ive seen posts about dogs killing peoples chickens or attacking live stock. Those dogs seemed to get dispatched rather quickly.
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Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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We tend to get a lot of dumped dogs and a few cats, being just off the highway and 6 miles from town.
Attacking chickens or other stock is a good way to attract a lead attitude adjustment. Friendly and calm get feed, care and removing.
Those ******** that dump get license reported to Sheriff, when we catch them on game cams. Sheriff takes a very dim view and is very good at attitude adjustment.

Steelers Fan

Special Hen
Dec 20, 2010
Reaction score
I don’t expect much from these small town police. The jobs are pretty bottom end low level entry positions. If they are worth a flip they’ll move on to better departments shortly.

But in today’s every fifth post on social media being a lost dog being found looking for owners it’s not a big jump to him thinking maybe I should check with the chief and see if we should look for the owner or post on the local lost dog page.
You're right but it's even worse than you think. Officers let go from one city move on to another without being vetted correctly taking their problematic practices with them. I believe the percentage is low but it's on the news and in the papers regularly. Most officers are regular people like everyone else for the most part. Tough job that's gotten tougher.

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