PID temp controller for Lee lead pot

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Special Hen
Jun 9, 2021
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Not in Oklahoma!
I started to gather up stuff to do that back in the 90s.

Somewhere I have a chassis socket that a Love controller slides into, and some plugs and sockets for the heater and thermocouple.

At the time I did not have a lead pot, or much anything else for casting.

Thought I have a small metal housing too

Ahh, it has been a long time, I wonder where I placed that stuff! 🤔
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
yukon ok
Shootable Crayons, whooda thunkit.

On that note I must say I and many friends and relatives have shot many crayola crayons and generic crayons from my 357 revolver.
Just a primer to send them down range.

Primers will back out because there is not enough pressure to set the case back and keep primer seated.
Just load one and shoot it.
Then remove the case and deprime it and load another crayon in it and shoot it.

I seat the crayon all the way in and break it off flush with the case.

You can dedicate some cases to crayon or wax shooting.
Drill the primer flash hole larger and it keeps the primer in the case better.
Only use those for shooting primer and wax or practice plastic bullets only.

Very fun and cheap trigger time. If you got primers on the cheap anyway.
This may be a good way to test homemade primers against store ones by checking velocity and distance of the crayon. or wax pellet

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