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Jan 24, 2013
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I reported this in another thread. Amazing how the defenders of American Freedoms, Ostupid and ace overlook these little tidbits.

A republican lead congressional committee report on the Benghazi attack finds no there was, "no intelligence failure prior to the attack, no stand-down order to CIA operatives trying to go assist at the besieged consular building and found conflicting intelligence in the wake of the attack about the motive and cause, which were reflected in early public comments by the administration" and you dismiss it out of hand.

A democratic congressman says there are, "72 employees at the Department of Homeland Security are listed on the U.S. terrorist watch list" you take it as gospel.

It's almost like you pick and choose (according to what fits your narrative) what to believe.

Today's assignment: Look up "confirmation bias".


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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A republican lead congressional committee report on the Benghazi attack finds no there was, "no intelligence failure prior to the attack, no stand-down order to CIA operatives trying to go assist at the besieged consular building and found conflicting intelligence in the wake of the attack about the motive and cause, which were reflected in early public comments by the administration" and you dismiss it out of hand.

A democratic congressman says there are, "72 employees at the Department of Homeland Security are listed on the U.S. terrorist watch list" you take it as gospel.

It's almost like you pick and choose (according to what fits your narrative) what to believe.

Today's assignment: Look up "confirmation bias".

Confirmation Bias: The tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities.

Example: See Ace on OSA.

Seriously, you're the absolute worst offender on OSA for this and yet you try calling out others on it? That's why we know you're a liberal, because your own hypocrisy doesn't even register. :rolleyes2


Special Hen
Jan 16, 2011
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Ace is just one of a couple of prominent members on here, who throw out "confirmation bias", on a regular basis. I laugh at them all the time because if you take the time to read their posts, it is plain to see that they also fall into the confirmation bias trap. I am fully aware of my shortcomings and bias's but they don't seem to be. They tend to throw the CB quote out when they are trying to shut down someone who is armed with facts they don't like or go against their own CB. Kind of like shouting racist to end an argument.

Confirmation Bias: The tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities.

Example: See Ace on OSA.

Seriously, you're the absolute worst offender on OSA for this and yet you try calling out others on it? That's why we know you're a liberal, because your own hypocrisy doesn't even register. :rolleyes2


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Ace is just one of a couple of prominent members on here, who throw out "confirmation bias", on a regular basis. I laugh at them all the time because if you take the time to read their posts, it is plain to see that they also fall into the confirmation bias trap. I am fully aware of my shortcomings and bias's but they don't seem to be. They tend to throw the CB quote out when they are trying to shut down someone who is armed with facts they don't like or go against their own CB. Kind of like shouting racist to end an argument.

Well he does shout racist at the drop of a hat, which just reinforces his liberalness...


Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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oklahoma city
when considering the "small number of radical muslims" - consider this - sharia law allows for honor killings, stoning of women, pedophilia, slavery - and on and on - therefore sharia is in itself radical - over 1/2 the muslims in the world think there is a place for sharia law - that's 750 million radical muslims - the Quran teaches that lying to an infidel is good if it furthers the spread of Islam, that puts the other 750 million, at least, under suspicion. Their belief system allows for converting infidels to Islam or taking them as slaves or killing them outright - there are no other options.

you cannot understand muslims using a western thought process or thinking in terms of western values....a muslim Imam said it best - when asked about moderate muslims - "there is no moderate muslim, there is only Islam" - best to get a grip on this and keep your powder dry -


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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when considering the "small number of radical muslims" - consider this - sharia law allows for honor killings, stoning of women, pedophilia, slavery - and on and on - therefore sharia is in itself radical - over 1/2 the muslims in the world think there is a place for sharia law - that's 750 million radical muslims - the Quran teaches that lying to an infidel is good if it furthers the spread of Islam, that puts the other 750 million, at least, under suspicion. Their belief system allows for converting infidels to Islam or taking them as slaves or killing them outright - there are no other options.

you cannot understand muslims using a western thought process or thinking in terms of western values....a muslim Imam said it best - when asked about moderate muslims - "there is no moderate muslim, there is only Islam" - best to get a grip on this and keep your powder dry -

There is an option between conversion and slavery, dhimmitude. As a dhimmi, you're a protected but lower class or caste person. As a dhimmi, you do not have all the same rights as a Muslim citizen under Sharia law.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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Racism, bigotry and ignorance. The Holy Trinity of OSA, covered in two post. Good good.

That's really not our Holy Trinity. There are people here who are racist. I try to catch it when I can. There are also people here who are not racist, but are afraid and are tired of the way things are going. Unfortunately, this frustration manifests itself in ways that cause people to lash out.

There is no question that some people dislike Obama because of his race. That is sad. Those folks are sad human beings. However, many people dislike him because of his domestic policies and because of his counterintuitive foreign policy. We are more divided domestically, and less safe as a nation because of his actions. That has nothing to do with race.

Unfortunately the left has the upper hand on this. They have twisted the narrative to the point that it's almost impossible to have the conversation without them seeing racism and bigotry.

Unfortunately, this is true. Our national security, both internal and external, has been sacrificed on the altar of political correctness.

6 Strings

Jul 11, 2015
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Exiled On Main Street
Confirmation Bias: The tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities.

Example: See Ace on OSA.

Seriously, you're the absolute worst offender on OSA for this and yet you try calling out others on it? That's why we know you're a liberal, because your own hypocrisy doesn't even register. :rolleyes2

Nailed it again.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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I'm going to put this out there. Because we have our constitution and abide by it, we cannot rid ourselves of the muslim faith nor can we deter them from practicing it. I also don't hate muslims as a whole. It DOES concern me very much that they seem to be working on taking over by increasing their sheer numbers....that seems to be the MO of the "movement". So yes i'm concerned about some of their ideals....
I said i don't hate Muslims as a whole...what i DO hate with a passion is ANYONE who tries to attack our country, our people, our families and our way of life that generations of Americans have fought to keep. The same Americans that fought and many died to help INSURE they ( muslims) could practice their religion without fear of harm because of their beliefs. If those people that want to harm us happen to be muslim, then it's on them, not me. If someone or someone(s) want to attack us, and you are rejoicing because of that or are rejoicing because someone HAS harmed or killed Americans...YOU are in the same box as the assholes that did the attacking and YOU also need to be taken out of the mix. If you are in a group that plans to attack us or harm us or DOES...then YOU need to be taken out, regardless of your religion. To keep it right...religion has NOTHING to do with it....IDEALS do. Muslim's have a spleen and lungs just like Christians or Jews or anyone else...not like they are from mars or anything, they are still human beings...so it doesn't have to be about what religion they are....just about their IDEALS. We don't insure freedom of IDEALS.

Some will get where i'm going with all that....some won't : )

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