Evan I am happier for your nephew and your family than you will ever know but I can't stop thinking about the young man who passed. I've had good thoughts for them also since you updated your thread. I just cannot imagine a worse thing in the world to have to go through. If you ever get the opportunity please let them know they are loved and appreciated by people who they will most likely never meet but who understand their pain and are truly sorry they had to go through that fire. And again, I couldn't be happier for your nephew -- is he still doing well?? When will he get to go home?? I bet he feels like a different man ...
This is where I always thought you and I shoulda found each other sooner. Love you so much!

I asked the wife this morning if she knew anything about that young man or his family and what happened to him and she said that I was being weird and a little morbid. She said her heart goes out to his family but the details of his death wasn't important.

I'm the kinda guy who thinks they should put the cause of death in the obituary. I also like to know how condemned criminals spent their final 24hrs and had for their final meal before they are executed.
Maybe I am nuts.