Right views on Illegal Immigration

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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I totally agree that the borders should be protected and something needs to be done about the tremendous illegal immigration problem but first we must fix the tremendous govt handout problem. With all of the handouts, a job is optional. So, the majority of service industry/entry level employee base chooses not to work or to not work much. So, the employers offer the positions to those who are available to work which, many times, happens to be an illegal immigrant. The business owners would LOVE to fill these positions w legals but, unfortunately, there isn't much to choose from. In my business it is EXTREMELY difficult to get legal people to show up to fill out an app much less work while at the same time many illegals bang down my door wanting to work. I can see how it would be easy to give in to that temptation. Seriously answer this question, if right this instant we removed all illegal immigrants, who would cook & wash dishes @ restaurants? Who would mow the lawns? Who would frame & roof the houses? Who would clean the houses and hotels? Who would dry clean the clothes? Who would do your wives nails? Who would sweat in the factories? Who would load/unload trucks? And so on... You're fooling yourself if you think that all of the sudden the deadbeats would get off of their butts and fill these positions today. You must be crazy! Remember, a job is optional. If they wanted those jobs, they would have them. Many businesses would fail while others would survive but not thrive and prosper. Those people won't work until the rule of "if you don't work, you don't eat" is implemented.

The hell you say! We white folk and quite a few black folk used to mow the lawns, roof, sheetrock, frame and brick the house. We did every facet of construction work there was. The greedy azz contractors figured out they could hire cheap scab labor from Mexico and make more profits. From 1974 until about 1987 I was a roofer. Wood shingles to be specific. That's when the scabs started showing up in force. There was just no way we could match their labor prices and still make a living.

You have no clue what your talking about. People actually wanna work. It's this liberal jive ass government that tries to enslave them to the government tit.

Just this summer I noticed two different crews of black lawn boys working out here in Piedmont. I stopped and talked to them, got their cards and rates and have been passing that info on. They said they weren't making as much as they wanted but they enjoyed being their own boss.

Close the borders and send the scab labor back across the river.


Special Hen
Feb 16, 2009
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Oklahoma City


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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The problem with saying if you don't want to work for an agreed upon wage is that the illegals are willing to work for penny's if necessary. Large groups of them will occupy a single dwelling, and all contribute to rent and utilities. I heard on the radio today, but can't confirm that the average person in Mexico earns $7 a day. If they come here and make $14 for a days work, they have effectively doubled their income. An American family can't make it on $14 a day.

It's no use. Common sense is lost on some.

Brad A

Special Hen
May 9, 2014
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The hell you say! We white folk and quite a few black folk used to mow the lawns, roof, sheetrock, frame and brick the house. We did every facet of construction work there was. The greedy azz contractors figured out they could hire cheap scab labor from Mexico and make more profits. From 1974 until about 1987 I was a roofer. Wood shingles to be specific. That's when the scabs started showing up in force. There was just no way we could match their labor prices and still make a living.

You have no clue what your talking about. People actually wanna work. It's this liberal jive ass government that tries to enslave them to the government tit.

Close the borders and send the scab labor back across the river.

You said "used to". Exactly my point. "Used to". Not anymore. Way back in the day virtually ALL people had to work. Nowadays not so much.

"Greedy contractors"? Oh here we go with the greedy, mean ol business owners talk. Are you a business owner of a business that requires MANY entry level employees? I am so don't say I don't know what I'm talking about. I see it EVERY freaking day. Let's talk business. Would a business owner hire someone for less $ if they're doing crappy work? Nope. Would they rather pay less for equivalent or better labor? Yep. However, illegals many times won't work for very much less than legals. They know their work is valuable. Supply & demand. Nowadays it's getting more common for the positions to be filled by illegals, not bc they're cheaper, but bc they are THERE READY to work! Back in the day you didn't see a million illegals working. Why? Bc the Americans were already busting @ss at the job. We Americans as a nation "used to" have a great work ethic. "Used to."
Definitely, secure the borders AND make "If you don't work, you don't eat" the law of the land and that will solve the illegal immigrant labor force. And abolish the minimum wage while you're at it.
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Special Hen
Jun 11, 2015
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People bash the government as if it is a separate identifiable thing. It is people we all know who work hard. They are not unfair uncaring people. The goals of government are to be helpful to all without singling out a few. Handout are what your parents get called Medicare and Social Security. They paid for them. Disability is paid to those who cannot work (agreed a lot of abuse there). Unemployed people should try and really get work. That's not a racial thing it's a work thing. Continuing to use broad based insults and statements about how government doesn't care are really insulting to the people who go to work at cities, counties and the national government everyday and do their jobs. We have problems but insulting the "government" as uncaring is not right to the people who work there. Both my sister and I at one time or another worked for a government entity both state and federal and we did our best everyday. Most people do. We showed respect to all citizens and tried to make a difference. I would imagine a lot of people in this forum do or have worked for a government. They are decent hardworking people. It's hard work for less pay than the private sector. You take a lot of abuse for the frustration people feel long before that talk to you. I respect most of the people who work for our government and appreciate them. I don't work for any government now and haven't for a long time but I bristle at others who make blanket criticism of them.

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
People bash the government as if it is a separate identifiable thing. It is people we all know who work hard. They are not unfair uncaring people. The goals of government are to be helpful to all without singling out a few. Handout are what your parents get called Medicare and Social Security. They paid for them. Disability is paid to those who cannot work (agreed a lot of abuse there). Unemployed people should try and really get work. That's not a racial thing it's a work thing. Continuing to use broad based insults and statements about how government doesn't care are really insulting to the people who go to work at cities, counties and the national government everyday and do their jobs. We have problems but insulting the "government" as uncaring is not right to the people who work there. Both my sister and I at one time or another worked for a government entity both state and federal and we did our best everyday. Most people do. We showed respect to all citizens and tried to make a difference. I would imagine a lot of people in this forum do or have worked for a government. They are decent hardworking people. It's hard work for less pay than the private sector. You take a lot of abuse for the frustration people feel long before that talk to you. I respect most of the people who work for our government and appreciate them. I don't work for any government now and haven't for a long time but I bristle at others who make blanket criticism of them.

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Medicare and SS are not handouts. Every payday, I had medicare and SS deducted from my paycheck. Its my money, and I'm getting it back now.

Welcome to OSA!


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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People bash the government as if it is a separate identifiable thing. It is people we all know who work hard. They are not unfair uncaring people. The goals of government are to be helpful to all without singling out a few. Handout are what your parents get called Medicare and Social Security. They paid for them. Disability is paid to those who cannot work (agreed a lot of abuse there). Unemployed people should try and really get work. That's not a racial thing it's a work thing. Continuing to use broad based insults and statements about how government doesn't care are really insulting to the people who go to work at cities, counties and the national government everyday and do their jobs. We have problems but insulting the "government" as uncaring is not right to the people who work there. Both my sister and I at one time or another worked for a government entity both state and federal and we did our best everyday. Most people do. We showed respect to all citizens and tried to make a difference. I would imagine a lot of people in this forum do or have worked for a government. They are decent hardworking people. It's hard work for less pay than the private sector. You take a lot of abuse for the frustration people feel long before that talk to you. I respect most of the people who work for our government and appreciate them. I don't work for any government now and haven't for a long time but I bristle at others who make blanket criticism of them.

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Welcome to OSA! Now on to business! :)

So you and your sister worked for the .gov, but never met people or saw actions and policies created by senior "leadership" that were out and out foolish? You agreed with the policies set forth by those in Washington DC on a routine basis? When they didn't make sense for your office, area, region or those you served, were you given alternate choices to perform the mission that better fit the needs of The People?

The reason I say this is because as a .gov employee, you do not represent The People. You represent a nameless, faceless entity that frequently insulates itself from its actions at the upper echelons. You may be the only real person that member of the public gets to express their frustration to. Now they may not realize that you have no control whatsoever over the policies you're facilitation that make their lives more difficult. They may not understand even when those policies make sense on some level, but not THEIR level.

As a .gov employee, I feel the same way you did when you worked there. I actually empathize with their concerns. However, I know many .gov employees and “leadership” who either don’t, or don’t express it when they do. They make my job more difficult on a daily basis. Now I could be a bull in the china closet and simply say “That’s the way it is so just deal with it.”, but that’s not how I do business. At the same time, I don’t get upset when people generalize and slam me because I work for the .gov. That’s not my monkey and I don’t internalize it. I know they’re directing their frustrations at those who do embody everything that’s wrong with the .gov. After all, if everyone were like you and your sister in .gov, people wouldn’t be making those generalizations.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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I've known a shiteload of .gov (and private sector) employees who don't give two shits. Literally. They DON'T do their best, they DON'T try, they DON'T want to help, and they DON'T give a DAMN. They are there to draw a check, and if they can do it hiding in the bathroom, jacking around in the storeroom, smoking on the back dock all day, coming in late, taking long lunch and cutting out early, THEY WILL DO IT. Not to mention calling in sick at LEAST once a week or every two weeks, whether they've accrued any sick leave or not. They want Mon-Fri 9-5 with a 1-1.5 hr lunch, full benefits, spectacular salary and as little responsibility or work as possible.

Now... I'm not saying this is everybody. But I can damn well assure you, this is a TON of people. The majority? I don't know... but a LOT. I see it constantly. My parents own businesses, they have struggled for years to find any... repeat ANY... employees who actually want to work and aren't going to rob them blind out the back door. They've actually had to close 2 of their 3 businesses, let go of their single long-time employee (about 6 years she worked for them) and are running their sole remaining business themselves, 6 days a week, trying to make ends meet and are about to lose their house to foreclosure.

Lazy workers? Oh f*** yes. All OVER the f***ing place. Pick a store. Pick a restaurant. Pick a service station. Pick a government entity. I can walk in and observe the place for 10 minutes and I can point out multiple shirkers, lazy f***s, thieves or morons simply filling a role and killing time. It's ridiculous. The American work ethic HAS totally gone to s**t. Not EVERY worker, no. Not every business owner, no. But I can tell you, if our country had a crisis that required the kind of pull-together/work-together for a common good mentality that we needed for WWII.... this country would fall. It just isn't going to happen.

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