Rioters = Domestic Terrorist

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
You're way over their head Dennis, they only understand one thing. A nightstick upside the head.

These liberal utopias are reaping what they've sown for so many years. If a beating, followed by wrist ties, followed by jail and a court date would have been doled out from the jump, it would all be over by now. But no, they have to give them space to destroy... :screwy:
I actually had to think about and delete most of what I wanted to say in what you quoted and try to go a more reasonable response.
I'd best keep it to myself still what I was thinking.


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Sep 1, 2012
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I actually had to think about and delete most of what I wanted to say in what you quoted and try to go a more reasonable response.
I'd best keep it to myself still what I was thinking.
You're not alone, trust me! 80% of red blooded americans watching this are thinking the same thing. You know that most LEO's are also, but we live in the world we live in, and 1800's justice isn't in the cards for them anymore.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
It's a real thing sadly.

I had a conversation back in March with the guy who runs one of our parts warehouses at work. He's very much informed and opinionated - politically speaking. With all of the Epstein stuff we've seen and read about these past several months, it reminded me of a conversation we had back in 2015 during the presidential elections. He was NOT a fan of Killary Clinton, and preceded to tell me the wildest story I ever heard at the time about a plane called the Lolita Express, private islands, inexplicable things happening to underage girls, dirt on politicians, etc. I thought there was no way in HELL that could've ever been true. Fast forward to where we are now. I actually brought it up to him in March and said, remember that conversation we had, about you telling me about Epstein, etc. I guess you weren't a crazy conspiracy theorist after all. He smiled....
The's amazing these folks run rampant among us with zero chance of every going to jail for crimes that would send any of us on this forum to many years behind bars.
Epstein had an issue. That issue was the book of evidence he kept to log everyone he did "business" with. New Epstein movie on Netflix started this week. Don't know if its a coverup or an expose. The director and producer are still alive so I suspect part of the coverup.
The swamp had to get rid of Epstein to protect the swamp dwellers. It's that simple. Anyone not saying it was a "suicide" would suffer a "car accident".


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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 1, 2012
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The's amazing these folks run rampant among us with zero chance of every going to jail for crimes that would send any of us on this forum to many years behind bars.
Epstein had an issue. That issue was the book of evidence he kept to log everyone he did "business" with. New Epstein movie on Netflix started this week. Don't know if its a coverup or an expose. The director and producer are still alive so I suspect part of the coverup.
The swamp had to get rid of Epstein to protect the swamp dwellers. It's that simple. Anyone not saying it was a "suicide" would suffer a "car accident".
Yep. Not to take this thread off topic, but I'm just going to leave this here (pre-Epstein data):
Research for yourself. I'm not accusing anyone of anything. I just 'heard' from an an ex-friend. To our bureaucratic overlords, I hereby state that I in no way trust or believe anything that my 'ex-friend' told me and honestly feel that all accusations and associations listed in the above mentioned article are completely false and without cause.


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Apr 14, 2010
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Arrow Repaired
At what point is this addressed?


Maybe when this happens, the terrorist will figure it out.

A man interviewed on camera during last night’s chaos in Minneapolis warned that rioters are planning on “coming to the suburbs” if they don’t get what they want.

The twin cities were once again rocked by a night of absolute bedlam as more stores were looted and rioters set fire to the 3rd police precinct building, prompting cops to flee the scene.

“It’s real bogus, they gotta hit it right, otherwise this is what’s gonna happen, ain’t nothing left here so when we start coming to the suburbs, when we come to the government center, then what y’all gonna do?” the mask-wearing African American asks.

“We’re coming for the suburbs next.”

— Catholic Groyper (@GroyperCath) May 29, 2020

“You see what I’m saying, so eh that’s just what’s gonna happen, you know – f**k the police,” he adds.

President Trump has promised to bring in the National Guard if local authorities are incapable of handling the violence, something that is pretty much self-evident at this point.

As we highlighted earlier, despite the riots spreading across the country and becoming more violent, the media is still describing the carnage as a legitimate “protest.”

i think the more important question is if you ban churches from assembling in groups how in the hell is this being permitted at all? It’s a public safety issue after all ......... with that said it’s coming one way or another the question is when do you want it to happen now, 2 years, 5 years when will it all burn down so we can rebuild? Collapsitarian


Special Hen
Aug 27, 2017
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Near E. C.
Being able to use deadly force to protect property would solve allot of this crap. The law needs to be changed.

First #1
Let me say this, some screaming mob, crosses my Property Line...I am shooting center mass just as I was trained. More targets, means I'll get more hits. They will stop before I run out of ammo. I'll answer for my actions, the person attacking me will depend on medical ability afterwards.

#2 , A violent mob attacking my neighbor, will get the same response.

#3, Seems all the known trouble makers are flying in like Vultures, poverty pimp foot in the grave jesse jaggleson, can smell gov. money like a shark in water,

RevRun Al, flew in looking for a tax preparer with fire sale rates getting those taxes a must you know.

Soro's trouble machine with every leftist cause from, save the one eyed spider, every democrat stooge even Greta Van Nutberg...will tell everyone what to do, and how racist You are, been, and how much you need to pay for that.

Soon the Hollywood has been, washed up crowd will brow beat you more, as the political hacks cry for...something to be done. As the bobbing heads on the media elite tell you SO !

Obama said he was going to transform America.

Now, vote democrat to end this racism. ...or your racist.

...and the band played on.
Last edited:


AKA Michael Cox. Back by popular demand.
Special Hen Banned
Jan 1, 2006
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Their actions, this time, were triggered by the actions of the cop. We just had the issue in Georgia, the black delivery driver being harassed here in OKC, and other similar events. Their actions are certainly wrong & criminal, but consider the history of race problems. Then we had Obama, and if anything, he just poured gas on the fire.

I sure don’t agree with anything these thugs have done, and certainly there are a good number of them that are there just for the looting, but if you talk with ordinary black men, you can begin to understand some of the crap they have lived with over the years.

It was just an excuse for them to loot and tear stuff up. The first ones to loot and set fires should have been shot.

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AKA Michael Cox. Back by popular demand.
Special Hen Banned
Jan 1, 2006
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People may think I'm crazy, but I'm seeing more and more things that make me thing Soros and his cash have a hand in some of this. I'm far from a tin foil hat kinda guy, but it's nuts right now. You're seeing some of these people with gov't level communication equipment, earpieces, etc. They're coming prepared with bricks, fireworks, and anything else they can find. The last protest/riots and much of the antifa crap that's gone down have been proven to have paid protesters. In Baltimore and DC, almost 70% of protesters arrested were not local to the area. There are some people already identified in MN protesting that were also in Washington recently protesting the G7 coming to DC. There have also been people on OAN, and some smaller new outlets giving interviews showing that they were offered $50 cash to protest. There's also video taken of Trump protests after his election where people were videotaped leaving protests, joining a large group of people at a particular address, and being handed money. I have no doubt that MANY of the people there are legitimately protesting, and have zero issues with those doing it in a non-violent way. Freedom of assembly, and the right to peacefully protest, is part of the foundation of our system. That being said, foul play is most certainly involved here by some. It does nothing to respect the memory of George Floyd, or to protest against the action of the LEO's involved in this particular incident. It only serves to cause chaos and divide people. It does make for great TV and meat on the bone for a political debate.

Edit: I do agree with TFF's earlier post. Move this nonsense to the suburbs and some of these folks will be in for a rude awakening.

Of course it is. Antifa has been planning this for some time. Put them down when it starts and the rest will lose interest.

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