Second migrant caravan storms into Mexico:

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Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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Mexico has offered the "refugee's" work permits and housing. Only 100 or so took advantage of it. Their intent is not to escape their country, but to make the political point that their handlers have paid them for.
Reference a prior post where they were being handed money and caught on video.
Edit: I'm sure pressure from Trump caused the action by Mexico to happen.
It's all part of the process so when they get to the border if they ever do, Trump has options.
The international laws of refugee status says you can migrate to the first country that will get you out of the oppression your looking to escape from. You can't keep walking to cherry pick the one you want.
Mexico has made that offer. They don't stand any chance of getting into the US now legally IMHO.

I've seen the post about them being money being given out, chartered buses have now showed up to help transport them. And yes they're being used by some to make a political point but there's also the very real possibility they're being used to effect other changes here, viva reconquista.

Mos Eisley

Special Hen
Apr 14, 2009
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Kansas City, MO
My question is: At what point does the U.S. military get involved in an invasion? Do we just let the Rooskies or Chinese walk in and take control? Or even the Mexicans? We have a military for a reason. The Posse Comitatus Act and the Enforcement Acts were enacted due to our own domestic issues. I just don't get why the U.S. military (like almost any other country) is not allowed to maintain our borders.


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Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
It appears so. The "unarmed" refugee's "overwhelmed" the Mexican army and Police at the Guatemalan border. Now they wander freely through the country. Basically 7000 invaders with rocks beat back a standing army and police force. The majority of the "refugees" is under 30 years old and male with no family. Kinda similar to the Syrian invasion of Europe where the majority was military aged males? That hasn't worked out too well for Europe and they are turning them around and sending them home now, but the damage has already been done to their social systems.
Think Trump will let those that want to go to Canada wander aimlessly through the US on the conclusion of their refugee trip?

Probably not. There are a couple of vast oceans they can use to circumvent crossing our borders. With enough inner tubes lashed together, they might stand a chance. There are sharks, though ...



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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
My question is: At what point does the U.S. military get involved in an invasion? Do we just let the Rooskies or Chinese walk in and take control? Or even the Mexicans? We have a military for a reason. The Posse Comitatus Act and the Enforcement Acts were enacted due to our own domestic issues. I just don't get why the U.S. military (like almost any other country) is not allowed to maintain our borders.
The military can be involved in protecting our borders and repel any invasion at the command of the President, and the militia can be involved at the behest of the governor of a state so invaded if the US armed forces cannot respond in time. (Article II, Section 2, Clause 1; Article I, Section 10, Clause 3.) :coffee2:

None of this requires a declaration of war from Congress. :contract:



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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2009
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Now this is how you do it. Can't believe I am saying this about Jim these days, but you go boy!

TULSA, Oklahoma - Senator Jim Inhofe says he's got a plan to pay for a border wall. He believes the $25 billion cost can be covered by eliminating some benefits now going to illegal immigrants.

Inhofe made the announcement in Tulsa Thursday morning. He specifically mentioned that it doesn't address the birthright citizenship issue - just the border wall and how to pay for it.

Inhofe says the government spends billions of dollars on tax credits for illegal immigrants who shouldn't be entitled to it, and he disputes the notion that immigrants boost the economy.

Speaking at a Tulsa manufacturing company, Inhofe said the government spends about $15,000 more on support for illegal immigrants than what they provide in taxes.

Inhofe said the his new legislation wasn't timed around the elections, and he believes there's momentum in Washington to approve it.


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Apr 14, 2009
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Trump announces plan to deny asylum-seekers who don't show up at ports of entry, in latest major immigration policy shift
20 mins ago
President Trump announced in a lengthy speech at the White House on Thursday afternoon that, in response to what he called the "crisis at our southern border" and a surge of fraudulent asylum claims, his administration will require asylum-seekers to "lawfully present themselves" at a port of entry.

The asylum clause of the Immigration and Nationality Act says that anyone who arrives to the U.S. may apply for asylum based on a well-founded fear of persecution, and Trump's latest decision is likely to prompt several immediate challenges in federal courts.

Trump called the thousands of migrants in the approaching caravan from Central America "not legitimate asylum-seekers" because most of them have not decided to remain in Mexico and pursue asylum there. "Asylum is not a program for people living in poverty," he said.

The president also issued something of a warning to members of the caravan, including those who reportedly threw rocks at members of the Mexican police this week.

"We will consider that a firearm. ... We will consider that the maximum we can consider that, because they're throwing rocks viciously and violently. .... We're not going to put up with that. They want to throw rocks at our military, our military fights back. I told them to consider it a rifle. When they throw rocks, like they did at the Mexico military and police, I said, consider it a rifle."

The president's statement marked his latest major policy pronouncement on illegal immigration with just days to go before the Nov. 6 midterm elections, following his decision to send thousands of troops to the U.S. border and his push to end birthright citizenship, which he said could be accomplished by executive order.

"They want to throw rocks at our military, our military fights back."

— President Trump
Trump said Thursday he would issue a "comprehensive" executive order next week on immigration matters.

"If these caravans are allowed into our country, only bigger and more emboldened caravans will follow -- and you see that's what's happening now," Trump said.


Trump and other administration officials have long encouraged those seeking asylum to come through legal ports of entry. However, many migrants may be unaware of that guidance, and official border crossings have grown increasingly clogged.

Immigration officials have turned away asylum-seekers at ports of entry citing overcrowding, telling them to return at a later date. Backlogs have grown especially bad in recent months at crossings in California, Arizona and Texas, with people generally waiting five weeks to claim asylum at San Diego's main crossing and sleeping out in the open for days at a time.


A woman holding her baby hitches a ride on the fender of a tanker in Niltepec, Mexico, on Tuesday.(AP)

Migrants who cross illegally are generally arrested and often seek asylum or some other form of protection. Claims have spiked in recent years, and there is currently a backlog of more than 800,000 cases pending in immigration court -- a direct result of the dramatic increase in the number of claims since 2010.

Administration officials have railed against what they say are loopholes designed to encourage people, especially from Central America, to come to the U.S. and claim asylum. On Thursday, Trump said human trafficking -- in which "the lowest scum on Earth ... steal children" -- has hit unprecedented levels, in part because of lax asylum policies.

"We will not allow our generosity to be abused by those who would break our laws, defy our rules, violate our borders, break into our country illegally -- we won't allow it," Trump said. "Mass uncontrolled immigration is especially unfair to the many wonderful law-abiding immigrants already living here, who followed the rules and waited their turn."

Once illegal immigrants apply for asylum, even if their claims are fraudulent, they previously have been allowed into the U.S. pending the adjudication of their asylum claims -- which require a credible fear of imminent persecution based on a limited number of factors, such as political or religious belief, in order to be upheld.

Generally, most asylum claims often fail to meet this high legal standard after they are reviewed by aslyum judges, and only about 20 percent of applicants are approved.


Trump's comments came hours after the leading caravan trying to make its way to the U.S. border, which now numbers approximately 4,000 migrants, failed in its efforts to convince the Mexican government to offer dozens of buses to speed up their journey northward.

On Thursday, Trump again characterized the caravan as an "invasion" that has "overrun the Mexican police -- and hurt, badly, Mexican soldiers. ... They're wasting their time. They should turn back now."

The caravan initially totaled more than 7,000 people, but its numbers have dwindled as thousands have either applied for asylum in Mexico or returned to Honduras.

A second, smaller group of 1,000 or so migrants is more than 200 miles back. A third band of about 500 from El Salvador has made it to Guatemala, and a fourth group of about 700 set out from the Salvadoran capital Wednesday.

At a rally Wednesday in Fort Myers, Fla., Trump charged that the leading incoming caravan represents a security threat. "They got a lot of rough people in those caravans -- they are not angels. They are not," he said.

Trump has said that up to 15,000 U.S. troops could be deployed to the border if the caravan continues its approach. The Pentagon noted Wednesday afternoon that its initial estimate was for 7,000 troops at the border.

The president also has sparred with some in his own party, including outgoing House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., over Trump's proposal to end birthright citizenship, which allows children of illegal immigrants to automatically become U.S. citizens if born within the country's borders.

"Illegal aliens are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States," Trump said to applause at Wednesday's rally, to chants of "U-S-A!"

That comment was significant because the 14th Amendment reads: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside."


Some Republicans are advancing the theory that illegal immigrants are not "subject to the jurisdiction" of the U.S. within the meaning of that provision, which would give Congress the legal daylight to pass a law codifying Trump's view, modifying the current Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA) of 1952 and ending birthright citizenship.

While an 1898 Supreme Court case appears contrary to that view, the issue has not been tested in the courts in modern times, and Republicans are newly emboldened by the 5-4 conservative majority on the Supreme Court.

Still, Trump's suggestion that he could legally bypass Congress and simply issue a unilateral executive order to enact his proposed change was "obviously" incorrect, Ryan said this week.

That prompted Trump to fire back on Twitter and charge that Ryan "knows nothing about the issue." The president also said Ryan should "focus on holding the Majority" -- a nod to polls showing that Republicans face tough odds to retain control of the House after the Nov. 6 midterm elections.

Trump also followed up with a clip of a 1993 speech from former Nevada Democratic Sen. Harry Reid, in which he claimed that "no sane country" would have birthright citizenship. Reid reversed his position in 1999, under pressure from union groups.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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You guys have no heart, the "migrants" say they're leaving their countries because of the violence but yet, they re violent. Throwing things at authorities, tearing down blockades, ignoring orders from border agents. And that's not violence? They're wanting in our country and once they enter they'll be peaceful, enjoying the benefits of a nation that cares. But once they get enough Food Stamps to trade for a gun, they can get anything they want an join with other illegals and rule he neighborhoods. Give them a choice, a credit car or a gun-which will allow them to obtain what they want? They are violent!


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
With arrival of 4th caravan, there are now 12,000 migrants in Mexico
“We only want a clear passage, our intention is not to stay in Mexico but to go to the United States,” the migrants responded.

To avoid a confrontation, the police withdrew and the caravan continued towards the city of Tapachula. The migrants will continue their march through the southern state today.

Three of the caravans currently in Mexico are made up of migrants numbering in the thousands. The majority of them entered Mexico without going through official immigration channels.

Another group of about 450 Salvadorans who entered Mexico legally are also in the country.

Now that the progressives control the House, the marchers will head to the border with much more bounce in their step. The Free, Free, mentality with no borders just became true for anyone in the world that wants to walk across our borders. The house will take away funding for the border patrol so they can't do their jobs. Mark my words.

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