Sigheh: An Innovative Solution to a Universal Problem in Iran

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In Remembrance / Dec 27 2021
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Jan 16, 2010
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Yukon, OK
Alternate Title: Sex Before Marriage in Iran

The concept of marriage in Iran is in a bit of a pickle. (In fact, it could be argued that Iran itself could soon be in a bit of a pickle). But that's being covered elsewhere and I should not digress...

Iran has a huge population of 20-30 somethings, (well, for now, anyway) and it is very expensive to have a traditional wedding there. Social barriers, enforced by Sharia law and overseen by those nattily-dressed, bearded ones called Mullahs also make it very difficult for young people to meet in a way like we here in Devil Country USA enjoy. There just aren't casual bars, parties, or functions like we have in the West that serve as a means to perhaps "meet your Honey" or to enjoy a casual hook-up.

Sex before marriage is against Islamic law, and can get you stoned or worse. So what's a lusty young man to do? Get caught in flagrante delicato in the back seat of dad's old car? Risky. Really, really risky. Doin' the deed outside of marriage just don't happen much there, much to the chagrin of many warm-blooded, young Iranian men especially. I limit the topic here to men, as women in Iran just don't matter much anyway.

In their infinite wisdom, and so as not to offend allah, the Islamic Republic of Iran has thus come up with the concept of "sigheh", or "temporary marriage". Sigheh is a solution to the plight of many a young, single man, or an already married man who might be temporarily working away from home, you know, building IED's up in the hills with a few pals or plotting a variety of terrorist attacks against the USA and Western Europe. (Hey Honey, I'll be gone a couple of weeks, I gotta go ram a ship in the Strait of Hormuz.)

Sigheh allows for legal, temporary marriages, thus, legal, allah-approved sexual activity may occur during this time that one is "married." Both single, as well as married MEN may take advantage of the terms of sigheh. No actual license is required, just the blessing of the local Mullah and an agreement of the length of time that one is "married" to the lucky bride. One may enter a sigheh contract for as little as 30 minutes, or up to several weeks, even months, or years. depending on your circumstances and of course, how much coin you got in your pocket and whatever the Mullah is charging these days.

"Damn Mohamed; I'm horny!' Exclaims Saleh bin Qassadi. "Hey back off Bro! Don't look at me!'' says his pal, Mohamed. "Go talk to Mullah bin Hosseini over at the Mosque, he'll hook you up with a ''sigheh" bro. "Of coursed, the marriage license fee he'll charge you all depends on how hot she is, and how long you wanna be married, but you can marry an ugly one for a hour or two for pretty cheap."



Special Hen
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
Alternate Title: Sex Before Marriage in Iran

The concept of marriage in Iran is in a bit of a pickle. (In fact, it could be argued that Iran itself could soon be in a bit of a pickle). But that's being covered elsewhere and I should not digress...

Iran has a huge population of 20-30 somethings, (well, for now, anyway) and it is very expensive to have a traditional wedding there. Social barriers, enforced by Sharia law and overseen by those nattily-dressed, bearded ones called Mullahs also make it very difficult for young people to meet in a way like we here in Devil Country USA enjoy. There just aren't casual bars, parties, or functions like we have in the West that serve as a means to perhaps "meet your Honey" or to enjoy a casual hook-up.

Sex before marriage is against Islamic law, and can get you stoned or worse. So what's a lusty young man to do? Get caught in flagrante delicato in the back seat of dad's old car? Risky. Really, really risky. Doin' the deed outside of marriage just don't happen much there, much to the chagrin of many warm-blooded, young Iranian men especially. I limit the topic here to men, as women in Iran just don't matter much anyway.

In their infinite wisdom, and so as not to offend allah, the Islamic Republic of Iran has thus come up with the concept of "sigheh", or "temporary marriage". Sigheh is a solution to the plight of many a young, single man, or an already married man who might be temporarily working away from home, you know, building IED's up in the hills with a few pals or plotting a variety of terrorist attacks against the USA and Western Europe. (Hey Honey, I'll be gone a couple of weeks, I gotta go ram a sheep in the Strait of Hormuz.)

Sigheh allows for legal, temporary marriages, thus, legal, allah-approved sexual activity may occur during this time that one is "married." Both single, as well as married MEN may take advantage of the terms of sigheh. No actual license is required, just the blessing of the local Mullah and an agreement of the length of time that one is "married" to the lucky bride. One may enter a sigheh contract for as little as 30 minutes, or up to several weeks, even months, or years. depending on your circumstances and of course, how much coin you got in your pocket and whatever the Mullah is charging these days.

"Damn Mohamed; I'm horny!' Exclaims Saleh bin Qassadi. "Hey back off Bro! Don't look at me!'' says his pal, Mohamed. "Go talk to Mullah bin Hosseini over at the Mosque, he'll hook you up with a ''sigheh" bro. "Of coursed, the marriage license fee he'll charge you all depends on how hot she is, and how long you wanna be married, but you can marry an ugly one for a hour or two for pretty cheap."

That is how I read that. (Bold print)


In Remembrance / Dec 27 2021
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 16, 2010
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Yukon, OK
All that comes to my mind after seeing that link is that I don't think I'd want to trust a "dating service" started by a bunch of Mullahs.

Might be safer to play Russian Roulette with a semi-auto handgun.

Reading a bit more about this bizarre practice has led me to some other sites in which many men say they in NO WAY are going to take a chance on sigheh and get their name on a list. At least not a sex services list run by the Mullahs, the Madams maybe, but but not the Mullahs.

Also,there are approved dating sites in Iran, but these are also run by the Islamic State.

I guess they are afraid that all of a sudden some new Ayayatollahassahola in charge could just say “round ‘em up and chop off their roscoes, we’ve decided they broke sharia law after all”.

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