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Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
I've seen mixed numbers but generally speaking, the numbers have said around 20-25 million Americans (Americans) would benefit from the wage increase. Factoring in inflation that doesn't even keep pace with a lot of the GOP folks that have come out against it because "I shoveled poo for a dollar fifty an hour when I was a kid". As a side note, the numbers show that only about 25% of people making minimum are in teeny bopper demographic. A majority are in the 24-50 year old range. So yeah, I do think we're screwing Americans in that we haven't kept minimum up with inflation. Campaign contribution limits have kept pace with it, why wouldn't wages.... that ought to say something right there.

If we really believed that anyone who puts forth effort can earn a living, then the irony is that all the illegals people talk about are doing that. They are putting forth the effort, when Americans are sitting around on unemployment not wanting to go out into the fields and pick crops, or any of the other jobs that typically hire undocumented labor.

I'll go down this road like I always do --- do you have any proof to support your claim that undocumented persons are voting? Personally I haven't seen it and feel like it'd be more of a national story if that was happening at scale.

Again, the easiest possible way to curb people coming here, is not to subject them to inhumane conditions, treatment, etc. The easiest way it to dry up the ability to work illegally. That would involve a lot of enforcement though --- including on large companies that tend to donate to political candidates. What I've seen in the past is that small businesses when caught generally get penalties that could be considered catastrophic. Compare that to a company like Tyson, who will absorb it and not change their behavior. Until the large companies are penalized enough to stop the practice, then there will always be a supply of labor for them.

I have no proof that illegal aliens are voting. The boost in the numbers voting comes when there is an amnesty or some such "accelerated" path to citizenship for illegals.

I agree that shutting down the ability for illegals to get a job is paramount, and I believe enforcement would cost less than the burden placed on society that allows them to stay. Couple that with elimination of the minimum wage altogether would eliminate the desire for a source of labor willing to work for less than an arbitrarily established minimum. Let market forces go to work. Competition for low cost labor will set a better course for rising wages.



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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County

Wages. What are wages? Wages are the purchasing power you acquire for your labors or talents. The rising numbers in wages mean basically nothing. An ounce of gold today will buy about the same as an ounce of gold would a century ago. It's just inflation. Don't be fooled by what seems to you to be more "buying power."

If you want to improve your situation, stay out of debt. Save. Buy what you need before you spend on things you want. Soon, you'll accumulate enough to be secure and enough to spend on what you want. (I only wish I had this philosophy decades ago - along with the discipline required to make it work! Much better now, though. I started late, but not too late.)



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Apr 14, 2009
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Government intervention removes the imperative to prioritize life. It also encourages abundance. Only in America can you have homeless that are morbidly obese.

At some point in life, stuff becomes less important. I think it's partly related to wisdom that is gained over the years. I have planned for retirement since I was in high school and was told there will be no social security. I still have many working years left at this point. Now that I can actually pay cash for stuff, the interest has diminished.

The only thing I can add is to learn to invest. Saving is important, but growing your savings can save a lot of extra work. Invest in something that you are familiar with or want to learn about.

Words of Wisdom

Wages. What are wages? Wages are the purchasing power you acquire for your labors or talents. The rising numbers in wages mean basically nothing. An ounce of gold today will buy about the same as an ounce of gold would a century ago. It's just inflation. Don't be fooled by what seems to you to be more "buying power."

If you want to improve your situation, stay out of debt. Save. Buy what you need before you spend on things you want. Soon, you'll accumulate enough to be secure and enough to spend on what you want. (I only wish I had this philosophy decades ago - along with the discipline required to make it work! Much better now, though. I started late, but not too late.)



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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Come on man... You bring ellis island up but forget the creed there?

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Sounds like someone needs to rewrite it. Something about give us your healthy individuals, with the best education.

And I don't know if you've been out in the world at all recently but the world is already...right now and for a few years... Been automating. There are already kiosks at McDonald's and machine burger flippers. They were coming anyways. Not because of minimum wage but because businesses want money and those are cheaper.

That reminds how amazing it is that people say "China stole our jobs" like the CEOs and boards of Americans companies didn't actively shop around for places where they could sweatshop people for nothing rather than paying Americans for quality work in good conditions.

I can guarantee you there are very few more “out in the world” than I am currently.
You really need to read the history about Ellis Island and gloss over the rhetoric of the creed.
I’ll help with a link from a liberal outlet.

The higher minimum wage has been on the table for years. What do you think triggered that quest to automate the process? Businesses operate on what might happen in the future vs waiting until it happens or that business will fold quickly.
What’s wrong with businesses wanting money? Do you think they can operate on a loss?
Businesses know that if the higher wage passes, they will have to pass the costs to the consumer to stay alive or close their doors adding to unemployment.
What part of a $15 min wage makes sense?


Special Hen
May 11, 2016
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Southern Oklahoma
Our net SS "inflation" increase for 2021 (TOTAL for Sweetie AND myself) is $18 per month. So yeah... let 'em deal with that.

There seems to be a theory going around that folks on welfare will get jobs if the minimum wage goes up. I'd bet a dollar against a doughnut that ain't gonna happen on a significant level. ;)

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