The family of Anthony Huber one of the dude kill in kenosha

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Sep 26, 2014
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KENOSHA, Wis. - The family of Anthony Huber, a 26-year-old Silver Lake man killed during the Kenosha protests, released a statement through their attorney on Friday, Sept. 18. It reads as follows:

Statement of John Huber and Karen Bloom

"On August 25, 2020, our son Anthony Huber was killed in Kenosha, Wisconsin. We held a funeral for him on September 1st, and we have been grieving privately as a family since then.

"Anthony was a hero. He was always quick to help friends, family, and neighbors in need, and so it was no surprise to us to learn that Anthony came to the aid of others on August 25. He sacrificed his own life to protect innocent civilians who were out that night protesting the shooting of Jacob Blake. While we miss him dearly and wish none of this had happened, we are very proud of him. Without his incredible bravery, many others could have been killed or injured.

"There was absolutely no justification for Anthony’s murder. A minor from out of state, illegally armed with an assault rifle, was allowed to roam the streets, threatening numerous civilians, and ultimately shooting three people. After this minor had already shot and killed one person, Anthony selflessly tried to disarm him and was killed himself.

"We are deeply disappointed that the President, members of the media, and others have said that Anthony deserved to die for attempting to protect others from a person who had just killed someone. In addition, it has been disturbing to see videos and other information that has come to light suggesting that local police may have permitted and even encouraged armed vigilantes, including Anthony’s killer, to patrol the streets of Kenosha and threaten civilians with firearms.

"Our nation depends on its leaders to uphold the law and to set the moral tone for its citizens. In America, we celebrate heroes like Anthony who sacrifice for their communities, not armed vigilantes who cause death and chaos in the streets.

"We ask that you remember Anthony and keep him in your prayers. Please respect our privacy during this difficult time."

Anthony Huber was one of two people killed on Aug. 25 -- the other being 36-year-old Joseph Rosenbaum of Kenosha -- following the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha.

Kyle Rittenhouse has been charged with multiple felonies, including two counts of homicide in the deaths of the two men. Rittenhouse is awaiting extradition to Wisconsin (see related stories below). He would face a mandatory life sentence if convicted of first-degree intentional homicide.

A Rittenhouse attorney, Lin Wood, has said the teenager was acting in self-defense.

"From my standpoint, it’s important that the message be clear to other Americans who are attacked that there will be legal resources available in the event false charges are brought against them," Wood said. "Americans should never be deterred from exercising their right of self-defense."

<<<<<<<<<<RAISE A DUMMY YOU BURIED A FOOL>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Slim Deal

Special Hen
Dec 16, 2017
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Dear John, Oh No Karen (ironic names isn't it),
The loss of a child is a sad time. Really I'm glad that your child won't rioting anymore.

As for you two blinded liberal a**holes, go suck on a phat one and leave letter writing to people like me.

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