]We could compromise on a voluntary purchaser background check that would result in a purchase ID that would eliminate NICS checks and freedom to purchase a fiream in any state. [/B]
We could provide funding for local and state reporting of those adjudicated in a court of law as mentally incompetent to the NICS database, in conjunction with an appeals process for those that wish to have their rights restored.
We could provide additional funding for the joint NSSF/BATFE program "Don't Lie For The Other Guy" PSA campaign, and encourage individual sellers to vet purchasers voluntarily, or at least ask some basic questions before selling to an unknown person.
That's it.
I really like the first idea here. Maybe a Voluntary FFL qualification of sorts designated on our drivers licences in a standard way. Buy, sell, carry, NFA, no wait, across all state lines, through the mail etc. A genuine recognition of the rights the "Good Guy" should not be denied out of hand. A real undoing of the existing infringement for the price of a background check.