Tinfoil Hatters - was Sandy Hook a Hoax?

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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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It happened exactly like the media and the government reported it happened. How dare you question the State? Our government doesn't lie!


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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It happened exactly like the media and the government reported it happened. How dare you question the State? Our government doesn't lie!

Well, around here, if you mention "Benghazi", these guys will lap up the "it was a conspiracy!" rhetoric like it was another book of the Bible. But any other story with questionable evidence, and it's tinfoil hat time.

Street Rat

Dec 10, 2007
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Did the Oklahoma City bombing really happen?

I am simply asking a question.

Really, that's the answer? We can see by the many hours of news footage the carnage and devastation that was left.

Anyone asking for open casket photos/video of dead children as "proof" of anything needs to step the f$$k away from the computer and youtube for a little bit.

You're wrong if you think I would enjoy seeing the pictures of dead bodies. sorry.

If you look up Columbine or Virginia Tech shootings, you get news coverage of injured victims being taken away. I am asking where is this news coverage like this for Sandy Hook? Anyone? How about everyone stop with what you think about me and lets see something that looks like there was the countries worst school massacre. We have already established here out of 27 people, 26 died (that is by far the highest kill percentage of any US massacre) the only surivivor declined to be interviewed, how convenient, but it must be the trama she endured, but that didnt' stop the parents from being interviewed, weren't they traumatized?

If we were trying to prove God's existence with evidence like this, we would still have as many atheists as we started with.

We were on the brink of the most sweeping gun control laws this country has ever seen because of this massacre. I can't go to any gunshop and buy the reloading components or the ammo I want anymore when I want them. And nobody is asking any questions, but only making accusations about me. I'm not in law enforcement, but I'm pretty sure if you don't have a dead body, you don't have a murder.

Any other massacre in history we see pictures and video clips of injured fleeing the seen or being carried away, but now were supposed to believe the the media has grown a conscience because these were kids, I'm not buying it.

No one has answers to questions, only accusations about me or people like me.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
I've posted several links with "answers" to the questions and thin assertions in your original OP. If you choose to ignore them, fine, but it shows that pictures of dead kids in open caskets and of a woman on a gurney being pushed into an ambulance won't assuage your desire for there to be more to this story.

Like Ted Kennedy post earlier, no one should blindly believe the "official" story, but too many blindly believe the conspiracy stuff written in these horribly researched yet brilliantly postured conspiracy articles.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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Like Ted Kennedy post earlier, no one should blindly believe the "official" story, but too many blindly believe the conspiracy stuff written in these horribly researched yet brilliantly postured conspiracy articles.

I can go along with this; I see plenty of the conspiracy angles that are just as absurd (and some moreso) as some of the "official story" ones. It's the asinine claims that close people's minds to the inconsistencies.

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
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Tulsa Area
Wow - I step away for a bit and things get out of hand. Jeeze, everybody calm down.

I never said I thought Sandy Hook was a Hoax (the question in the title was actually tongue-in-cheek), and I actually said that article had a lot of BS in it. But there are some genuinely unanswered questions about the event/response/investigation that I was curious about. The link I posted was from Veterans Today (I think it was on their facebook page) and I've seen a lot of stupid conspiracy theories like it forwarded around and none had been discussed here, so I thought I'd use it to start the conversation about the strange things that went on with the overall event/investigation.

I also assumed that 1.) people wouldn't go completely off-base with nutjob theories, and that 2.) the interwebz police wouldn't get offended at the very notion that we would discuss something.

I actually did look into a lot of the assertions made by that article (which again - that's why I said there's a lot of BS in it), but there are still things that just don't add up to me (and maybe I just don't know where to look, so that's why I posted it here).

I'm not questioning whether or not the event happened, or that people died and their families suffered. I question the details of what actually took place during the incident, and the things that are inaccurately reported (not normal Media/Reporting BS either - statements released by the various departments involved that are incorrect, retracted, or contradict some of the evidence later released), as well as the delay in evidence released and rush to campaign against guns immediately afterward.

I accept that mistakes happen (especially under the stress of something as horrible as a school shooting), but there seem to be a lot of convenient mistakes that have been retracted or corrected, and a lot of things that just don't make sense to me and have no explanation given - at a time when the place was swarming with reporters and journalists for several months after the incident occurred. I also don't like how more and more, investigations are becoming super-secret.

Next time I'll just post an article about Obama or his birth certificate and get the hearty amen I deserve.


Special Hen
Apr 29, 2010
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You think the OKC bombing was exactly what you were told it was?

For the 3rd time in this thread, are there ever any real flags?

I never believe what CNN/FOX/NBC throw out there but I don't sit around looking for ways to find a conspiracy. I don't even really have an opinion on this topic. I was just reading and like every other thread around here, "its a false flag" so I want to know if there ever any real flags.

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