Tulsa World endorses Democrat for the first time in 14 years

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Special Hen
Oct 27, 2009
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Also has an 'A' rating from the NRA said:
John is an acquaintance of mine, and after questioning him specifically on 2A rights, I find this extremely hard to believe.

First of all, he skirted the question and wanted to discuss other issues. I indulged for a time but then eventually came back to the question and really pressed the issue. He finally committed to the following:

He believes there should be a waiting period for gun purchases. He would not commit to a time period, but when I asked "5, 7, 10 days, what does that look like?" he agreed somwhere in there would be reasonable.

He also wants to put an end to gun shows. When I asked him why, his response was not what I expected. He said "gunshows are unfair to dealers". Obviously I asked him to elaborate. He has an uncle that is in gun sales and said he believes that it's unfair for person to person gun sales to occur when there are so many restrictions placed on his uncle as a dealer. I then asked where his uncle was a dealer and he said New York. Enough said. I won't get into the details, but I basically went on to discuss how many of our local dealers are thrilled to be able to set up tables at the biggest gun show in the world and have patrons visit from all over.

Now for the good: He said he does not believe there should be a restriction on high capacity magazines or a reintroduction of the Brady Bill.

Draw your own conclusions, but after hearing it directly from the horse's mouth I would say that Mr. Olson would not be a good candidate for the NRA to give an A rating to.

Also, after having the privilege to speak with both candidates at my house on seperate occasions, my support is overwhelmingly behind Bridenstine for a multitude of issues. 2A was just one piece of the puzzle that helped me come to my decision. In fact, for the first time in probably 12 years, I have put a sign up in my yard supporting a candidate for office.


Special Hen
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score

John is an acquaintance of mine, and after questioning him specifically on 2A rights, I find this extremely hard to believe.

First of all, he skirted the question and wanted to discuss other issues. I indulged for a time but then eventually came back to the question and really pressed the issue. He finally committed to the following:

He believes there should be a waiting period for gun purchases. He would not commit to a time period, but when I asked "5, 7, 10 days, what does that look like?" he agreed somwhere in there would be reasonable.

He also wants to put an end to gun shows. When I asked him why, his response was not what I expected. He said "gunshows are unfair to dealers". Obviously I asked him to elaborate. He has an uncle that is in gun sales and said he believes that it's unfair for person to person gun sales to occur when there are so many restrictions placed on his uncle as a dealer. I then asked where his uncle was a dealer and he said New York. Enough said. I won't get into the details, but I basically went on to discuss how many of our local dealers are thrilled to be able to set up tables at the biggest gun show in the world and have patrons visit from all over.

Now for the good: He said he does not believe there should be a restriction on high capacity magazines or a reintroduction of the Brady Bill.

Draw your own conclusions, but after hearing it directly from the horse's mouth I would say that Mr. Olson would not be a good candidate for the NRA to give an A rating to.

Also, after having the privilege to speak with both candidates at my house on seperate occasions, my support is overwhelmingly behind Bridenstine for a multitude of issues. 2A was just one piece of the puzzle that helped me come to my decision. In fact, for the first time in probably 12 years, I have put a sign up in my yard supporting a candidate for office.

Ugh. I didn't know about the waiting period and gun show things, TBH. If he gets elected I will avail myself of the opportunity to write him a letter explaining why he's wrong.

The thing that kills Bridenstine for me is the Fair Tax and how he keeps calling it "progressive." While the prebate plans that most Fair Tax proponents talk about do relieve some tax burden on the lowest income levels, it places a disproportionately high tax burden on the middle class. He has a degree in economics, so I have trouble believing that he's not being disingenuous.


Special Hen
Apr 30, 2009
Reaction score
The thing that kills Bridenstine for me is the Fair Tax and how he keeps calling it "progressive."

That just blows my mind. Even if you support the Fair Tax, it's quite explicitly a regressive tax without the rebates; and as you mentioned, taxes the middle class the most (as % of their income) with the rebates.

I actually am not opposed to consumption tax, but not like the Fair Tax sets it up.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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I have not ever made it a point to hide my political opinions, but then I do not hold myself out to be a reporter of the news, to be unbiased, to be fair and balanced.

What sickens me is that these people who do hold themselves out to be fair and unbiased are so blatant in violating their principles by endorsing any candidate.

If I had a subscription to the Tulsa World, which I do not, I would cancel it. Not over this endorsement, but over the fact that they ever make any endorsement. Just one of the many reasons I don't subscribe to their paper.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
Reaction score
From his website:

Second Amendment

I support the right to keep and bear arms and the right of Americans to defend themselves, their families and their property.

That's pretty much what Obama's, Peolosi's and most democrats official stand on the 2nd Amendment is too.

For a website that's a pretty short and very generic stand. Strong indicator that he isn't really for it and certainly doesn't understand it.

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