Walmart to stop selling handgun ammo, ends open carry

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Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
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The point of the statement is that we will still sell the rifles that use this ammo (.223 mainly) and yet will not sell the ammo.
By their thought process we should also stop 300 blk, 7.62 variants and .308.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

$20 says they just stop selling AR branded ammo. Bulk packs of Federal AR and 'tactical' blCk rifle labeled stuffs.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
My guess would be if all 25,000 members here stopped shopping at WM they would not even notice you were gone. Some here though will continue to shop at WM, not many places to shop in rural OK, in rural OK if a WM is close likely there is little else around to directly compete.

If just 25,000 members spent 300 a month (which is probably low let’s be honest) that’s 9 million a year lost revenue? If this occurs in all 50 states that’s 450, million in revenue. If we say 600 a month which is more realistic for me since this is what I spend at Costco, if 25,000 people in every state did this we are talking 900,000 million in lost revenue. They will notice the burn if they are boycotted.

Gillette apparently took all of P&G down with it LOO, they took an 8 billion write down at the last quarter , P&G as a whole took a 5.6 billion write down as a whole (resulting from Gillette’s debacle) meaning the rest of the company had made 2.5 billion in profit but as a result of Gillette they turned earnings negative. Plus you will note you don’t see that discussing add anymore.

They bigger issue for me is Wal-Mart doesn’t attract the people that this move pleases ? Let’s be honest the Wal Marts of the world are for regular Joes and not a place the elite leftists ever really shopped anyway? NASCAR, Wal Mart Deontae seems to care about its core consumer only the very loud leftist mob.

Why does the leftist mob usually win? BECAUSE THEY MAKE THE MOST NOISE!! THEY ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING LIKE IT OR LOVE IT THEY ARE ACTIVISTS FOR WHAT THEY WANT...... for the most part the conservative don’t do anything except tell other conservative why boycotts are stupid! Or endlessly ***** and complain. We don’t stand up, we don’t take our money elsewhere, we don’t stand behind boycotts (arguably our loudest voice) and yet we wonder why we are seeing the same slow erosion of our right to keep and bear arms.

Don’t want be an activist ....fine, if you don’t want to make the simple act of depriving anti gunners of your money...fine. But don’t expect any thigh to change their will be more where this came from, once they see Wal Mart is getting away with it with zero changes to its bottom line then rest of the retailers will fall in line. if they can’t take way guns they will take away ammo, or tax it extensively ,whatever it takes to limit firearms and ammunition in the hands of the people that’s hat you can expect. I for one want to be able tell my grandson when he’s standing in the bread lines to come one that I at least did something to try and stem the growth of socialism in this country. At least I did something! I already vote against them but that won’t be enough !

Just as an FYI, as a moderator on another forum and a participant on many others, your numbers are way too high. Even though OSA shows around 25,000 registered members, I'd venture to bet that less than 1% of that number are actually active here on the forums. (In case one is mathematically limited, that 1% equals 250 people.)

If OSA's active membership is equal to 250 people, I would really be surprised. Thus, an OSA boycott of any business would be very limited.
Apr 14, 2010
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Arrow Repaired
Just as an FYI, as a moderator on another forum and a participant on many others, your numbers are way too high. Even though OSA shows around 25,000 registered members, I'd venture to bet that less than 1% of that number are actually active here on the forums. (In case one is mathematically limited, that 1% equals 250 people.)

If OSA's active membership is equal to 250 people, I would really be surprised. Thus, an OSA boycott of any business would be very limited.
Dear god terry......if just 25,000 people who disagree with Wal-Marts stance (and I think that’s is a very very low)
Members here or not

We have 4 million people in Oklahoma if 1 percent boycott wal-mart that’s 40,000 if 2 percent of Oklahomans boycott that’s 80,000, 3 percent that’s 120,000. Take 3% of every state boycotts what does that do to the number?

Just 1% of the U.S. Population boycotting would be 32 million people at 300 per month thats 9,600,000,000 in lost revenue. I think my numbers are to low! I just used the 25,000 as a starting point. As you can see just 1% makes a sizable difference if 10% boycott thats almost 100 billion lost revenue. I don’t think 10% is unreasonable but thats about where I would draw the line. I am one of those who will boycott Wal-Mart over this decision. What any other individual chooses to do is between them and their conscience. My believe system prevents me from buying anything else from Wal-Mart.

But by all means sit and do nothing, after all in California we are all members of a terrorist organization now.
Jun 5, 2018
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Broken Arrow
I went in yesterday to my closest wal-mart (also the busiest one in BA) and they were already sold out of Remmington 9mm, only had two WWB 200 rd of 9mm, one 200 rd 9mm NATO and one 200 rd .40 S&W (I picked up this one). The guy said they already did over $1k in ammo sales and it was only 3:30ish. He confirmed that all handgun ammo, .223/5.56 and .22LR will be removed even though they will still sell .22 caliber rifles he thinks.

Oh well, like I said, Academy was only a few cents more so they now get my money.

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