What will you miss during the Apocalypse?

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
Dunno, as a kid, liked to think I could survive anywhere being a wanna be mountain man. Actually got to live it somewhat when I could go to my Uncles ranch in the summer when a kid and spend a couple of weeks with the bare essentials to make a camp and forage for food by trapping, .410 shotgun and catching some fish from the pond.
Actually pretty comfortable with that concept. Still remember how to make the deadfall and Spanish windlass type of traps from nothing but some wood and a knife for small game.
You don't need a $200 rig to catch fish. Green walnut hulls will kill them and is not toxic to humans. Fish traps easy to make from nothing.
I know how to knap flint and make tools/weapons.
One just has to get away from the urban areas where the people starving will kill for a scrap of bread and start from fresh. I have locations in mind.
I doubt seriously that SHTF where it goes back to the stone age will never happen in our country but there are folks right now living in that scenario. It isn't pretty.
It's always good to have knowledge like that for use in self-survival mode . . . but I have to wonder how all that would work when you end up with 100,000 others trying to also practice woodcraft in the same area after a SHTF event, because the first thing everyone seems to want to do is to get out of the urban areas and head to rural. I be thinking that game won't last long with that many trying to survive.


Special Hen
Nov 5, 2022
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So, if you have a gold and silver IRA and use it to buy ammo, medical supplies, food and water during the apocalypse and your under 59 1/2 do you still need to pay a 10% tax penalty and applicable income tax? Asking for a friend...
If the government keeps anything functional during the Apocalypse it will be the IRS.


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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You dont have to lie to kick it. also, i have work, because i;m still a functioning, contributing member of society with loved ones to support. I'm not sitting around just collecting a check and prancing around town.

I'm not gonna lie. It feels GREAT to collect a check and prance around town. You'll get there -- I worked at least 2 jobs and sometimes 3 -- from the age of 16 (actually worked from the age of 5 -- family business) until I was in my mid-50s. I'd still be working if it wasn't for Grumpy coming along and saving my ass. My point is everybody gets old and either gets to or has to retire at some point. Pay attention to your pennies now so you can not be a burden to your kids later. I'm an eternally pessimistic optimist. Everything will be fine -- in time. Just do the best you can. Take care of what is yours to care for and leave the rest to God. 😘

OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
Way to go, Bob! Now I feel a 100 years old. (You are the same age my youngest is. 🤦) 😉😘

I already miss so much stuff that it won't matter if I lose everything else. But ... I will miss Grumpy. He has always been a man with an "intense" personal code. He will follow that, irregardless of what it will cost him. I will be an afterthought and he will be out doing what sheepdogs do. It's the only thing I both love and loathe about him. Well that and he snores. 🤷

My youngest is a year older than that and just retired this year. At 38. What kinda bulls**t is that? Him and the DiL bought a 5th wheel and they're on the 2nd half of a 10,000 mile adventure in the western US. Yeah...I'm slightly jealous.

OK Corgi Rancher

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Special Hen Supporter
May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
I'm not gonna lie. It feels GREAT to collect a check and prance around town. You'll get there -- I worked at least 2 jobs and sometimes 3 -- from the age of 16 (actually worked from the age of 5 -- family business) until I was in my mid-50s. I'd still be working if it wasn't for Grumpy coming along and saving my ass. My point is everybody gets old and either gets to or has to retire at some point. Pay attention to your pennies now so you can not be a burden to your kids later. I'm an eternally pessimistic optimist. Everything will be fine -- in time. Just do the best you can. Take care of what is yours to care for and leave the rest to God. 😘

You know us boomers... F'n it up for everyone because we had the audacity to work for what we wanted.


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
I do know this, I will miss every modern convenience. I will miss hot and cold water from the tap, heating and cooling, and Clean clothes. Our politicians are political amateurs not worthy of their office and have not learned anything from before 1945 or after. First wave will be an EMP. What will you miss?
Flush toilets. Painless dentistry. Cheap books and magazines. And so much more!


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
I've mentioned this before too many times but the book Lights Out is an interesting fictional story of life after an EMP.
SWMBO, who came late to survivalism, at age 17 when she married me, spent the whole time she was reading that book picking it apart for the foolish mistakes they kept making throughout the book.

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