That and the money is worthless.They pay for the politicians, so price will no longer matter.
That and the money is worthless.They pay for the politicians, so price will no longer matter.
Americans are already AFRAID to wear a Trump Ball Cap, or have a Trump bumper sticker!! I do both daily, and have been harassed many times, denied a motel room, threatened, spit at, as well as COMPLIMENTED, for DARING to express my opinion, and exercise MY FREEDOM, in OKLAHOMA of all places!! What would it be like in California, or NY city? OVERWHELM THE NEXT RIGGED ELECTION!!!!The US will end up like England where the majority of people work for the government, so nobody opposes what they do in fear of losing their job.
What Hotel? And a little tear gas should be standard issue with the hat. Equality stuff and all.Americans are already AFRAID to wear a Trump Ball Cap, or have a Trump bumper sticker!! I do both daily, and have been harassed many times, denied a motel room, threatened, spit at, as well as COMPLIMENTED, for DARING to express my opinion, and exercise MY FREEDOM, in OKLAHOMA of all places!! What would it be like in California, or NY city? OVERWHELM THE NEXT RIGGED ELECTION!!!!