The "Gimme Generation" - Warning! Rant ahead

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Special Hen
Sep 8, 2010
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Fort Gibson
I hate to say this but people didn't get that way on their own. I am 33 and I have had a job since I was 12 except for a short two month period when I was sixteen. I bought my own clothes, gas, and made a vehicle payment while I was in high school. I believe if my parents had the means to buy me everything I wanted they would have and I would be a spoiled person. Fact is we were not of means and if you wanted something you worked for it. You got Levi's and Payless shoes. If you wanted Luckys and some Nike's you needed a job. People always worked hard to give their children more than they had growing up. I think it has just backfired. It wasn't intentional. It is a big gripe of mine also. There are still good hardworking kids out there, but they are harder and harder to find.

We hire a lot of younger people where I work, and we still get one every now and then that will bust tail from 7 to 5 and never complain or ask for anything more they a paycheck. Please don't loose faith in the whole generation. I know it's not easy with all the people wanting loan forgiveness and mortgage forgiveness. Even more frustrating when you go to the grocery store on the first.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Welfare may not be the root of all the problems in our society, but it is not far from it.

The problem is that almost everyone is vulnerable to the appeal of "free" money or services. One of my gripes has to do with people who expect the government to do things for them. "Where can we get a grant? If only we could get a grant."


2 years ago, my home was burglarized 4 times in 3 months. The thieves would wait till my husband and I would go to work, and then they'd break in.
Their "job" was to sit on their butts and learn our schedule. And when they knew we were going to be at work, they'd break in.
Because of the mentality of these people, we have to live like we are basically in prison. We now have an alarm system with three outdoor sirens,
we've replaced our doors with security doors, and we purchased a safe to put our valuables in.
Every time I leave the house, I have to make sure all of our smaller electronic items are put in the safe. I can't leave anything out, because of the fear
of coming home and finding it gone.
It's been a while now, and I feel more confident in our ability to stay safe now. But I will never forget how it felt to pull in the driveway and see the front
door open. In fact, it's the first thing that crosses my mind EVERY TIME I come home now. Is the front door closed?
When my cell phone rings, and it's a number I don't recognize, could it be the alarm company?

The mentality of these people really floors me. They don't want to get a JOB. Why get a job, when Uncle Sam will take care of you?
Anything you get from the government was taken from someone else. Know this.
Obama isn't pulling the money out of his pockets to give you. It's coming out of the working folks' pockets.
They think : Oh, that B!tch next door just bought a new TV! That would look great in OUR crib! And we could pawn that camera and get
another hit. They be rich....they can buy more.*
Well, no, they can't just go BUY MORE. They worked their butts off and SAVED for months to buy that tv.

Sorry about the rant there. I'll come off of my soapbox now. :)


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 21, 2009
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WHAT? You mean i HAVE to work for my paycheck!?! my neighbors all sit around doing drugs and drinking why can't I? Oh yeah i forgot i was raised to work for the things i have and not live off of someone else's hard earned money while doing nothing. and yes where i work there are constanly people being hired who expect to be paid for not doing the job they are hired to do and playing on cell phones instead, oh how it makes me angry.


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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What's personal responsibility?

I can't work, I have anxiety.

Fix it for me.

Not my fault.

I don't like it, so I shouldn't have to deal with it.

Life done me wrong.

You're here to serve me.


Oh, and someone else needs to pay for it.


I know, I know, it's been said a million times before. I'm just fed up to the top with the :preocc:.

Let me guess, you're an ER doc and are tired of the "frequent fliers"?


Special Hen
Jun 1, 2010
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Sometimes I don't get people my age or younger. I rarely see anyone with the "I want to work" attitude. Even the people I work with are always on their cell phones texting someone or updating their facebook. I leave my cell phone in a box at work since my wife knows where I am and I have WORK to do. I am guilty of slacking off sometimes but some people work harder at fake working then they do actually working.

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