Has anyone been given written permission to concealed carry on any campus?

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Special Hen
Nov 20, 2010
Reaction score
bonus 50 points for me, I got the criteria right with the first post in this thread yeeeehoooo.

Our gun club at OU gets crapped on compared to the funding other clubs receive. Last i heard we were one of the biggest and get funding like we are one of the smallest, go figure.


Special Hen
Jul 9, 2011
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There's a bill they're looking at to solve this issue, http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/04/0...ones-universities-unlikely-hero-nevada-woman/ ...I'll keep my fingers crossed. It's funny when I was a student I didn't carry on campus because I was going into the military and couldn't risk it, now I'm both military and an LEO, and I carry on campus on a regular basis...but it's only because I have a badge that I can...which obviously I don't agree with, gun free zones on school are simply free fire zones for criminals, cause they don't follow the rules...if they did I'd be out of a job.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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That is a powerful article, Liv2Dive2. Let me post some of it for those in too big a hurry to click the link. I suggest sending it to your state representative and senator if you think they might be open to restoring 2A rights on Oklahoma campuses.

Across the country, lawmakers are debating whether universities should let students and faculty with permits carry their concealed weapon on campus. Those who want to put an end to such gun-free zones have found an unlikely hero in a petite, soft spoken, young woman who wonders why colleges protect most Constitutional rights, but not the one that matters most when staring into the face of a violent criminal.

Amanda Collins, 25, is a wife and new mom, and a concealed weapon permit holder for years. At her father's law office in Reno, she showed us the 9-mm Glock she carries for her safety.

"It's got a pretty standard magazine," she said, "and night sights so you can see in the dark when you're aiming."

However, Collins couldn't aim her gun at the serial rapist who attacked her at the University of Nevada at Reno, where she was a student. That's because, like most public colleges outside of Utah and Colorado, UNR is a "gun free" zone. The rule required her to leave her gun at home, leaving her defenseless the one time she needed its protection most.

In October of 2007, while walking to her car after a night class, Collins was grabbed from behind in a university parking garage less than 300 yards from a campus police office. The school's "gun-free" designation meant nothing to James Biela, a serial rapist with a gun of his own, who saw Collins as an easy target. "He put a firearm to my temple," she recounted, "clocked off the safety, and told me not to say anything, before he raped me."


Special Hen
Apr 24, 2013
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Just my two cents here but they are probably figuring that unless someone has "threatened you with harm" that you have no reason to have fear for your safety and no reason to carry.

I am sure at some point in your life someone has threatened to kick your @$$ so feel free to inform them that you have had threats against your life and fear bodily harm. This would only be a slight stretch of the truth. You can then inform them that you would either like to carry your firearm with you to defend yourself or they need to put in a standing order to have a security officer available to escort you to and from classes and your vehicle. Considering the fact that this will cause someone to actually get off their butts and force them to work and/or cost the facility extra money you may be able to force their hand. And if a guard is not ready and waiting for you then start calling them and the administrative offices to let them know of the deficiency.

I figure one of two things will happen, they will get tired of the legitimate calls and requests and authorize your ability to carry or they will attempt to expel you from classes. I would also suggest getting other people you know to start making the same requests. The security office will get tired of running around all the time to escort people and put pressure on the administration.

And sorry for digging up an old thread here didn't notice the date until after I posted on it, lol.

Rod Snell

Special Hen
Aug 10, 2006
Reaction score
Well, yes, I did get written permission to be armed on WOSC, but not a blanket authorization.
You see, we were teaching gun classes on campus, in addition to other subjects.
So when teaching algebra, I left the gun in the truck.
We also did Hunter Safety classes in high schools, with permission.

We had a couple of liberal faculty transplants who fairly foamed at the mouth when they found out we did gun classes. Had one girl student who threatened to report me for discussing guns with a male student before algebra class. When I told her he was also in my gun class and who did she plan to "report me to", she moved her seat into the far back corner of the class. Welcome to SW Oklahoma!


Special Hen
Apr 24, 2013
Reaction score
We had a couple of liberal faculty transplants who fairly foamed at the mouth when they found out we did gun classes. Had one girl student who threatened to report me for discussing guns with a male student before algebra class. When I told her he was also in my gun class and who did she plan to "report me to", she moved her seat into the far back corner of the class. Welcome to SW Oklahoma!

Invite them to go to the range with you and watch them turn green.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
When I was a student, I used to think about whether I could afford to get caught with a gun. Virginia Tech was a real eye opener for me. after that, I started asking myself if I could afford to be caught without one.

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