Students suspended for wearing Confederate flags to protest gay rainbow flag

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May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
It had nothing to do with the church or ceremony part. It had everything to do with the principle of calling it something other than Marriage that is afforded to same sex couples. Is my marriage to my wife a civil union because I don't believe in an Christian or Abrahamic God? Is it any less legally recognized as a marriage because of that?

The obvious and simple answer is to no longer civilly recognize "marriage" leave that to religious or "ethical humanist" organizations. Have anyone who wants to do so register their "partnership" - with a JoP for the purpose of property/children/financial rights, etc. Marriages would be simply a function of the couples and their religious or other institution. This strips away the "validate me" reason that really is the motivation of many gay marriage groups. Just as one shouldn't be oppressed one should not seek, need, or be granted "official" government validation of their private lives.

Danny Tanner

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2010
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Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
Yet again you have graced us with your liberal nonsense. Being gay might not be a choice, which is another debate, but sodomy sure as hell is. And who in the hell are you to decide that another person's moral values are ignorant? It's awful funny that liberals like you demand tolerance while offering none. I didn't say a single bad thing about gay people. I just expressed different beliefs and stated that I tolerate theirs as long as they don't trample mine. I guess you're too small to do the same. Of course that's what Ive come to expect from you.

1. I'm not a liberal. I just base my arguments from scientific evidence. In this case, evidence suggesting that homosexuality is a biological determination, not a choice. Therefore, denying another human the same rights afforded by others simply because of this biological determination is hateful and IGNORANT! And if this is the same hate and intolerance you teach your children, then I feel sorry for them and hope that they some day learn the truth and, in doing so, don't resent you for planting hate into their impressionable minds.

2. Where in the hell in this article does it say that these kids were flying rainbow colors to bring awareness and support for butt sex? What is your obsession with sodomy?

3. When people use religion to define the morals that DENY other LEGAL citizens the same rights afforded to themselves, those morals deserve criticism.

4. Ironic that you claim I demand tolerance while offering none when tolerance is the exact thing I'm arguing for.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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I want my descendants to continue to be the majority, and hopefully the controlling group that governs the others. There will always be a group that governs and dictates to the "others". Why would I want to diminish that by letting yet another group define what rules I must follow?

There is a struggle for power, after all. (and there always will be)


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
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You seem to be under the impression that homosexuality is a choice. That people willingly choose to be a minority group often violently targeted and harassed.

When your religion teaches you that homosexuality is immoral, your religion is wrong. Schools are designed to teach facts, not bigoted opinions spawned church and based on absolutely no scientific evidence whatsoever. Being born gay is no more immoral than being born black, as neither are immoral acts. To think otherwise is beyond ignorant and to teach your children such ignorance is dangerous and harmful to them and to others.

Do schools still teach evolution?


Aug 18, 2012
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1. I'm not a liberal. I just base my arguments from scientific evidence. In this case, evidence suggesting that homosexuality is a biological determination, not a choice. Therefore, denying another human the same rights afforded by others simply because of this biological determination is hateful and IGNORANT! And if this is the same hate and intolerance you teach your children, then I feel sorry for them and hope that they some day learn the truth and, in doing so, don't resent you for planting hate into their impressionable minds.

2. Where in the hell in this article does it say that these kids were flying rainbow colors to bring awareness and support for butt sex? What is your obsession with sodomy?

3. When people use religion to define the morals that DENY other LEGAL citizens the same rights afforded to themselves, those morals deserve criticism.

4. Ironic that you claim I demand tolerance while offering none when tolerance is the exact thing I'm arguing for.[/

Who's denying them anything? What did I say to make that argument? I said live and let live. You're the one spewing hate on here. I said I'm cool with them doing what they want as long as I'm not made a party to it or they trample on my beliefs. That's called tolerance. Perhaps you should look the word up. You made your argument by attacking my beliefs and calling me ignorant and hateful. How are you being tolerant? You're not. You're being a jackass and more than a little bit childish.

And you definitely sound like a liberal to me.

Danny Tanner

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2010
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Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
Believe it or not I actually agree with you here. I believe in evolution myself.

You and I can get along just fine despite having polarized opinions on certain subjects.

Even many diehard Christians believe in evolution, albeit at the hands of God, but they still believe in evolution. Same academic destination, just two slightly different paths.
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