Female Hunter creates outrage with trophy photos

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The Most Interesting Man in the World
Special Hen
Feb 15, 2013
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The problem is you still do not understand why the giraffe was killed. You made a weak ad hominem attack on a member, which did not insult you. You failed to defend you reasons for why killing the giraffe was wrong. Next, you got mad when a very good comparsion between fishing and hunting was made. Past that point, you have just been insulting anyone attempting to have a discussion with you.

I am educated. Masters Degree in Secondary Education, Minor in Psychology and a Bachelors in Criminal Psychology/Justice.

Just because I toss in the ring a comment about it being sick to shoot a Giraffe, and get these responses is what is boggling to the mind. But again, I know how men can puff out their chests and resort to name calling. It is typical male behavior, and many here have shown it.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
The problem is you still do not understand why the giraffe was killed. You made a weak ad hominem attack on a member, which did not insult you. You failed to defend you reasons for why killing the giraffe was wrong. Next, you got mad when a very good comparsion between fishing and hunting was made. Past that point, you have just been insulting anyone attempting to have a discussion with you.

Which is why it's obvious that a troll is at work here. Ridge is in the house, it'll be over shortly!

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JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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You are just like the others here. Measuring what they don't have and trying to compensate for it by belittling others with differing opinions.

Are you a Giraffe killer want to be?

Here's what I don't understand about some folks' attitude about OSA....if we're all so bad, and they dislike us so much, why do they keep coming back?

One of the mysteries of life.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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As you should be. You would not even hug the nice gentleman when taking a photo in front of your house. You Gay worry wart you.

We're both autistic, I'll have you know.

And if you want to make this a contest about whose had more gay sex, well my friend, you may have just bit off more than you can chew for a second time.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 7, 2009
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Here's what I don't understand about some folks' attitude about OSA....if we're all so bad, and they dislike us so much, why do they keep coming back?

One of the mysteries of life.

The same reason someone who's had a heated argument at a party, after being told to leave or escorted out, will come back to cause more trouble. Some people don't know better.


Special Hen
May 19, 2010
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Fishon seems to be taking the "troll" title a bit personally, like she doesn't know what an internet troll is, so after 9 pages here you go:

Internet Troll
A person whose sole purpose in life is to seek out people to argue with on the internet over extremely trivial issues. Such arguments can happen on blogs, Facebook, Myspace and a host of others.
The best thing you can do to fight an internet troll is to not answer..or report them.
"God, Jeromy won't stop posting about Larry's bad spelling in that conversation."

"Yeah, I know, what a Internet Troll."

NetLingo The Internet Dictionary
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a.k.a. trolls, trolling, don't feed the trolls, the dark tetrad

Online it originally meant the act of posting a message in a newsgroup (and later on a blog) that is obviously exaggerating something on a particular topic, hoping to trick a newbie into posting a follow-up article that points out the mistake.

In general, to "troll" means to allure, to fish, to entice, or to bait. Internet trolls are people who fish for other people's confidence and, once found, exploit it. Trolls vary in nature; here are four types of online trolls:

Playtime Trolls: an individual plays a simple, short game. Such trolls are relatively easy to spot because their attack or provocation is fairly blatant, and the persona is fairly two-dimensional.
Tactical Trolls: This is where the troller takes the game more seriously, creates a credible persona to gain confidence of others, and provokes strife in a subtle and invidious way.
Strategic Trolls: A very serious form of game, involving the production of an overall strategy that can take months or years to develop. It can also involve a number of people acting together in order to invade a list.
Domination Trolls: This is where the trollers' strategy extends to the creation and running of apparently bona-fide mailing lists.

You have probably heard various opinions about how to deal with people who write insulting or provocative remarks on various Internet forums. The most common is "Don't Feed the Trolls", which says that all the people in the forum should avoid responding to the troll.

Historical perspective: The people who post nasty comments online are likely to have pathological personalities, said a 2014 study from the University of Manitoba. Known as “Internet trolls,” Web users who like to post inflammatory comments, incite arguments, and send insulting tweets are more likely to exhibit Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, and sadism. Collectively known as the “Dark Tetrad,” these personality traits were shown to be prevalent through surveys designed to understand what makes trolls tick. Participants were asked about their Internet behavior, including how frequently they posted comments and whether they preferred chatting, making friends, or trolling. Of the 418 people surveyed, 59 percent reported actively commenting, and among those just 5.6 percent admitted to trolling. The trolls gave responses that were strongly associated with the traits in the Dark Tetrad, especially sadism and psychopathy; they were more likely, for example, to agree with the statement “The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt.” Study author Erin Buckels told Slate.com that the Internet’s anonymity has freed pathological people to act out. “The allure of trolling may be too strong for sadists,” she says, “as they presumably have limited opportunities to express their sadistic interests in a socially desirable manner.”
- See more at: http://www.netlingo.com/word/troll.php#sthash.VjvUnzWK.dpuf

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