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Special Hen
Apr 8, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks shooter. I've been doing a lot better, I just can't shake the chills, sweats and shakes. I think it will get better with time. I'm taking one day at a time, trying to anyways.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
EDIT: antidepressants is the "go-to" for doctors for these types of deals but unless you are truly clinically depressed, then they will not help and might make things worse in my opinion. Many people on anti-depressants are NOT depressed and have a physical ailment that is causing their symptoms. Even still , you should get a serotonin blood test to see if yours is actually low...there are things you can do to raise it and stay off the anti-depressants (which do not raise serotonin anyway as far as I'm aware). Anti-depressants to someone with anxiety are like giving a crying toddler with messy pants and hungry an ipad to distract doesn't fix the underlying issue and eventually could do damage; but it shuts them up for now...that is why doctors do this as standard procedure. When you go in, you expect them to "do something".

I'm sorry man, but you obviously have NO idea how these medications work, yet you are willing to disparage those who have the training and education to know how they do and to evaluate when and where to use them? You even admit you don't understand them. BTW you need one of those same nitwits you don't think has a clue what they're doing to authorize that "serotonin blood test" which will tell you less than zero about the problem.

Good luck with that.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
I'm sorry man, but you obviously have NO idea how these medications work, yet you are willing to disparage those who have the training and education to know how they do and to evaluate when and where to use them? You even admit you don't understand them. BTW you need one of those same nitwits you don't think has a clue what they're doing to authorize that "serotonin blood test" which will tell you less than zero about the problem.

Good luck with that.
Take your arrogance and run along...oh, and carry a large pair of scissors while you run along.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
I'm sorry man, but you obviously have NO idea how these medications work, yet you are willing to disparage those who have the training and education to know how they do and to evaluate when and where to use them? You even admit you don't understand them. BTW you need one of those same nitwits you don't think has a clue what they're doing to authorize that "serotonin blood test" which will tell you less than zero about the problem.

Good luck with that.

I can still get blood tests without "authorization" in this country if I want to...might cost more but the freedom still exists. I'm sure you'd like the federal gov't to create a new "Department of Labs" and crack down on that while you wave your Gadsden flag doc?

C'mon...I wasn't attacking you personally, I was giving my opinion and I also included a me where I said "nitwits who don't have a clue"? Your response reminds me of someone who is hypersensitive to some issue (such as race) looking to start a fight where there is none...I don't blame you though because you've obviously heard enough that has made you this way to have a knee jerk reaction to a simpleton like myself saying something that is not "authorized" LOL...I have much respect for you; I've seen other posts you've made and I bet you are a good doctor.

SSRI's recycle serotonin if I understand them correctly; I also know a lot of mass-shooters relied on these drugs so they are not flawless I can guarantee you. I also know that some other experts like yourself would agree with what I said in the quote:

The medical establishment seems to want to treat symptoms and concentrate less on either safer treatments as a fist option, or treating the root causes...that is my opinion and I have some experiences of my own and family behind it. Debate is healthy though; I want kennedy to look at all possible options and weigh them...I know what he's going through but people tend to want to tell other what helped them; there is no flaw in that is there tRidiot?


Special Hen
Jan 16, 2011
Reaction score
Back in the 90's, I went through a traumatic divorce. A woman that I had stood by through all kinds of self induced trouble, suddenly up and left me for a solid POS, she wouldn't accept responsibility for actions, so she slandered me all over the small county we lived in. She told all kind of lies to make herself out to be the good guy. I fell into a deep depression, I was capable of going to work, but once home I fell into a semi-vegetative state. I started having panic attacks, mostly when I was out in public. Finally one day, I had a good enough day, I thought I've got to get help. I went to the Dr. and they put me on Buspro. I took that for a couple of months. During that time, I started getting out and spending time with friends and family. Started getting more exercise out in the sun. Over time the panic attacks came fewer and fewer. I'm not saying I never have them, but not often. The last time I had one, several years ago, I had trouble swallowing a hot dog, (probably due to the un-diagnosed MS), I eventually went to the ER and met Nurse Ratchet there, that aggravated the situation. I eventually went numb in my arms and legs, felt like I was having a seizure and passed out. Haven't had one since then. My point is, that it will get better, that things get better with time. Try to reduce the stress in your life, get out and get some sunshine. Try not to worry about the past, it can't be changed. Good health to you guys.


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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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In Post #2, I said the following: "Man, I don't think I'd go here for that kind of help. See your local doctor for a referral to someone who knows. Good luck!" I stand by that comment.

In all the answers since then, there is probably some good advice. Good luck in deciding which is the good and which is the bad. I'd like to tell you to go talk to your preacher. But, he'd probably tell you to find a good doctor. You're lucky that you live in Edmond where some good medical/psychological help is available. The best thing I can do for you is remember you in my prayers, and I will (have).


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
I can still get blood tests without "authorization" in this country if I want to...might cost more but the freedom still exists. I'm sure you'd like the federal gov't to create a new "Department of Labs" and crack down on that while you wave your Gadsden flag doc?

C'mon...I wasn't attacking you personally, I was giving my opinion and I also included a me where I said "nitwits who don't have a clue"? Your response reminds me of someone who is hypersensitive to some issue (such as race) looking to start a fight where there is none...I don't blame you though because you've obviously heard enough that has made you this way to have a knee jerk reaction to a simpleton like myself saying something that is not "authorized" LOL...I have much respect for you; I've seen other posts you've made and I bet you are a good doctor.

SSRI's recycle serotonin if I understand them correctly; I also know a lot of mass-shooters relied on these drugs so they are not flawless I can guarantee you. I also know that some other experts like yourself would agree with what I said in the quote:

The medical establishment seems to want to treat symptoms and concentrate less on either safer treatments as a fist option, or treating the root causes...that is my opinion and I have some experiences of my own and family behind it. Debate is healthy though; I want kennedy to look at all possible options and weigh them...I know what he's going through but people tend to want to tell other what helped them; there is no flaw in that is there tRidiot?

What I pointed out was that your assertions are actually incorrect, and there are people who DO understand the underlying chemistry of both the medications AND the body systems - something you admit you don't. But you have no problem claiming they are bad - while admitting you don't understand them. Yes... a number of mass shooters are on antidepressants - ever stop and think of WHY they are on them? Maybe because they had underlying mental health issues that were being treated? Yet so many people automatically want to claim the antidepressant CAUSED them to be mass shooters. Gimme a break, man... close to 80 million people in the United States are one mental health medication or another - and the clinical trials and decades of experience and real-world testimonials of individuals (MILLIONS of individuals) whom were helped by them speak for themselves. NO ONE IN THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE has ever claimed these medications are flawless. NO ONE. But, just like every other medication out there, the good outweighs the bad in the grand scheme of treatment, but there are risks and benefits - which is why it is the responsibility of licensed medical providers to evaluate and determine the need for them.

Several of your statements were totally and blatantly incorrect. Sorry, I just can't stand by and watch that drivel posted as fact. It's the simple truth.

And I can't even begin to tell you how many people I have refused to start these types of meds.

I understand lots of people have a bias AGAINST anything to do with accepted modern medicine and/or medications. That's fine. But like I said, when I see untruth, misinformation and blatantly unsafe advice, I'm going to point it out. Period. I'm not saying you're giving unsafe advice (incorrect, perhaps), that's just a general statement. CHenry's statement stands on its own to reflect upon him.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Oh and go to your local hospital and ask them to draw your serotonin level. Tell them you don't need a Dr.'s order for it, you know what you're looking for.

Oh wait, yeah, you CAN get it some places - here's one:

Go ahead and spend that $125 (it's VALUE is $253! You Save $128!). Come back and let us know what that tells you about your depression and/or anxiety.

<edit> I'm just saying, if you're going to give medical advice, be prepared to be called on it if it's wrong. You can put in a disclaimer all you want, it doesn't change the fact that you're working on and passing along incorrect information.

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