Living in a time of war

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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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Since 1972 in the US about 575,000 US citizens have been killed by good ol' god fearing, red-blooded Americans. Muslim committed murders (including the 9/11 attackers who were not US citizens) account for about 0.5% of the murders committed since 1972. Remove that one act of war and it's like 0.005%.

You are much, much, much more likely to be killed by a non-Muslim US citizen than you are a Muslim terrorist. In fact, you have more to fear from your family than you do Muslim terrorists. So, you can sleep well knowing that a member of your own family is more likely to kill you than a Muslim terrorist

I'd rather take my chances with a member of my family or even a neighbor than a muslim, somehow having my head removed forcibly from my body is worse than being shot at close range.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Dead is dead. You have a better chance of dying stumbling and hitting your head.

The boogeyman is a better story. It's worked well to erode our rights.

So, when do we call to arms against muslim terrorist in the liberal opinion?
Its growing world wide. The immigrants are forming enclaves in the country's that adopted them that even police won't enter. They have formed Sharia courts and practice the same third world atrocities in their new homes that they perverted in the old world they came from.
So when do we start taking notice and not stick our heads in the sand? After another 911 flight into a building? Perhaps a dirty bomb, or potentially worse a fuel-air bomb easily done in a metropolitan city that would take out hundreds if not thousands? Do we drop our vigilance and allow unlimited immigration like the last administration had in their sights so those enclaves can be built here?
Do we ignore the mass killings that muslim extremist have already done in this country as just a minor percentage, or do we look at it as keeping the lid on them growing in numbers and preventing exponentially more havoc and death?
We as a nation of laws go nationwide in a hunt for a school teacher and a 15 year old girl that ran away together, should we not go after muslim terrorists with the same fervor? What percentage in the total crime scene in this country does this happen? Very, Very tiny. Less than terrorist attacks in the US, but we mobilized, sent amber alerts nation wide, and the case was solved today.
What should we do in the liberal mindset about this? Forgive them, and bury the dead they cause as they are really just misunderstood, or attack and kill them judiciously?


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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How am I gonna save money? Your the one benefiting from the "patriot" act. I have some "rag heads" that seem like good people down the street.
I always have fun.
Actually I despise the so-called patriot act with a purple eyed passion. It doesn't fund me either, my job existed long before 9/11.


Mar 2, 2010
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Edmond, OK
So, when do we call to arms against muslim terrorist in the liberal opinion? Its growing world wide.

The world has been at war with elements of Islam for almost 1,400 years. What the Islamists are doing today is no different than what they did ten centuries ago. They just have different tools to share their “religion of peace”.

That said there were Islamic apologists then as there are today.

So when do we start taking notice and not stick our heads in the sand?

Liberals and the progressively challenged seem to have an easier time finding their arses than sand.

What percentage in the total crime scene in this country does this happen? Very, Very tiny.

I don’t think anyone disputes that Islamic terrorism in the USA represents a very small percentage of crime. This issue is when people try to rationalize statistics to diminish a sincere and growing threat to all. Such as mindlessly parroting a shallow DNC talking point such as …

And you're not going to be killed by a Muslim terrorist. Now, some dude you cut off in traffic, now that's who you should fear.

… or attack and kill them judiciously?

Throughout history hydrostatic shock is about the only lesson that the Islamists seem to understand. One needs to think of the Islamists like “Marge Sanger” would … need to “weed” the world of them (then maybe liberals would love the idea of another Crusade). That said one can practice whatever religion one likes … but when you interpret your religion as a mission to subjugate or kill there will be an education in hydrostatic shock to follow.


Mar 2, 2010
Reaction score
Edmond, OK
Actually I despise the so-called patriot act with a purple eyed passion. It doesn't fund me either, my job existed long before 9/11.

I truly respect you and typically agree with your honest and exceptionally well-reasoned comments.

Maybe I am just too apathetic and mildly caustic to get it … So can I ask you to educate me on what “freedoms” the Patriot Act is taking from me? Not talking the theoretical “ACLU” application such as how we have taken the civil liberties away from those named Mohammad residing at the island retreat at GITMO … what has the Patriot Act taken away from me or anyone less apathetic as me? Thanks!

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