Put on your high heels, guys - and no, not J. Edgar-style!

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 10, 2015
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Coalgate, Ok.
Don't have paypal, how else can I donate?
Tridiot has the info and I want to thank you for wanting to donate.
My daughter was a victim of abuse in High school and I was lucky not to go to jail for how I handled it. My wife was a victim as well. Anything I can do for this cause, I'm going to do.
I think we all will, as we can.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Mar 1, 2006
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Enid, OK.
... bright red high heels were chosen as a symbol - to let men have to endure the pain and discomfort of wearing them, thus experiencing in some small amount what women are expected by society to do.

So, um, doc, if'n I come and (try to) walk a mile in them shoes, do I get free medical care when I twist my ankle and fall and break my neck?


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
I'd sprain an ankle, hell no

You'd b surprised... but again, that's the point. Learning to walk in these as a show of support so we can understand some of what women go through - not that this even remotely helps us understand how a woman who has been raped feels, but it is a symbolic show of support.

COME ON GUYS! Seriously... how many times have we on this very board bitched about how so many Muslims will not stand up against Islamic terrorist, except in the cases of very few who issue "statements" about how terrorists don't represent Islam. But they never actually make a big deal, they don't hold "anti-terrorism/anti-violence" rallies, they don't go on the news screaming it from the hilltops, decrying the extremism and pointing it out for what it is... just plain violence and hatred. Not religion, just an excuse to behave badly, to hurt people and claim some form of justification.

The same with liberal ideology - we say they don't actually live or practice what they preach.

The same with so many things...

THIS is a chance to get together, to make a very vocal and public statement, to stand up as a COMMUNITY of FIREARMS ENTHUSIASTS and to speak out against the stereotype that the media and the liberal left wants to paint of us - that we are nothing more than lazy, stupid, redneck, MISOGYNISTIC racist white men!

The firearms community in the United States NEEDS to become more vocal in standing up for what is RIGHT. WHO in the world would defend rape, domestic violence and sexual abuse? NO ONE! So, let's stand up together and make an impact, folks!

We're working on getting television coverage, as well... how awesome would that be, for us to all show up in OSA t-shirts, marching in high heels and get some actual widespread coverage not just for this cause, for these women, but for OSA and the firearms community in general? To show the world that we actually CARE, that we DO practice what we preach???

Let's do this, guys, come on!


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Sorry I didn't answer the question above. If you want to donate, you can donate on Crowdrise as well, you don't have to register for the event. They will accept plain donations, as well.

Paypal is available through our website, www.oksafenow.org

If you don't feel comfortable doing it online, we would be happy to take a check or M.O., and you can mail it to us and we will send you a receipt for a tax deduction. Actually, it would be best to email through the website, the official email address is [email protected] or there is a submission form on the website under the "Contact" page, as well. I don't want anyone to think I am personally taking donations for this - this is for the organization, not for me, and I want you to receive an official receipt, which you will get through contacting the organization through the website form, the email, PayPal, Facebook or the event page on Crowdrise.

Thank you to all who have given, and once again - PLEASE share the video and Crowdrise link on your social media pages! THIS is how we make a difference in our world!!!


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
So, um, doc, if'n I come and (try to) walk a mile in them shoes, do I get free medical care when I twist my ankle and fall and break my neck?

I'll probably have to administer any medical care from my own prone position after falling myself!! lol

Luckily we have several nurses who will be available, and the ladies don't have to wear the heels if they don't want to! lol


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Here's a good commentary on real manhood - real masculinity, and why you should not only not be afraid or ashamed, but even be PROUD to walk in heels for such a good cause!


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