Networks may not air Trump's address

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Special Hen
Nov 30, 2015
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So other than a whole bunch of tribalism and small pockets of dumb asses that don't read history books running around acting like petulant over indulged little shits what exactly are good men supposed to do at this point? You cannot shoot people for having stupid ideals and you can't round them up and re educate them. All we can do as good men is set a good example and talk to these people when we run into them and tell them why we believe the way we do, and then listen to them when they tell you their side.

Key word is listen, both sides just tune out as soon as the other "side" veers off of "my" beliefs. Then the screaming and name calling starts and nothing changes. Hell I have been called a snowflake on here by a person I would assume has pretty much most of the same values I do, but I disagreed on a subject and tried to discuss my view and all this man wanted to do was call me names.

The blacks had a million man march
Women have rallied and Marched,
Antifa rallies,
The good conservative man / women gets up and goes to work while nibble by nibble freedom is lost..
I would LOVE to see/ hear about a rally or march, I'd take vacation time to join in and be proud to say I did it too..
Will it happen ? NO, nibble nibble, I just have to pray my kids or grand kids don't end up with a barcode..


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
The blacks had a million man march
Women have rallied and Marched,
Antifa rallies,
The good conservative man / women gets up and goes to work while nibble by nibble freedom is lost..
I would LOVE to see/ hear about a rally or march, I'd take vacation time to join in and be proud to say I did it too..
Will it happen ? NO, nibble nibble, I just have to pray my kids or grand kids don't end up with a barcode..

So, did you attend any of the Tea Party rallies back around the early part of Obama's first term?


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Special Hen Moderator Moderator Supporter
Dec 26, 2016
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The blacks had a million man march
Women have rallied and Marched,
Antifa rallies,
The good conservative man / women gets up and goes to work while nibble by nibble freedom is lost..
I would LOVE to see/ hear about a rally or march, I'd take vacation time to join in and be proud to say I did it too..
Will it happen ? NO, nibble nibble, I just have to pray my kids or grand kids don't end up with a barcode..

What would you march for or against?
What did the million man march accomplish, antifa gatherings are just idiots acting like their about something and what were the women marching about?


Staff Member
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Special Hen Moderator Moderator Supporter
Dec 26, 2016
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There are 37 million plus black people living in America so 1 million is around 2.8 % of the black population showed up, even if you take the women out of the 37 million the percentage is still not around 6-7 percent, you have the same thing with the womens march and antifa does not even register on the who cares meter unless your reporting for CNN.

Trump being put in office by Good people has done more to shake the politicians to their core than any marching would do.


Special Hen
Nov 30, 2015
Reaction score
So, did you attend any of the Tea Party rallies back around the early part of Obama's first term?
No I did not, I was on their e mail list though, I get up and go to work 5 days a week.. I went to the library and checked out Barry's books in 2007 so I knew not to vote for the F________POS..

What would you march for or against?
What did the million man march accomplish, antifa gatherings are just idiots acting like their about something and what were the women marching about?[/QUOTE=

If the conservatives around the country assembled and or marched they will have expressed the 1st and it would be "noted" if numbers where there.. What for, how's about the 2nd which is under constant attack.. For a bigger statement have all armed, Such would make a real wake up call..
Politicians are puppets, it's the 1% puppet masters that need a shake up..
It isn't going to happen so I/we will just continue to lose freedoms day by day..
You ever notice the state laws where you can't have a gun, magazine or ammo shipped ? Those number are increasing, nibble nibble..


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Arrow Repaired
So other than a whole bunch of tribalism and small pockets of dumb asses that don't read history books running around acting like petulant over indulged little shits what exactly are good men supposed to do at this point? You cannot shoot people for having stupid ideals and you can't round them up and re educate them. All we can do as good men is set a good example and talk to these people when we run into them and tell them why we believe the way we do, and then listen to them when they tell you their side.

Key word is listen, both sides just tune out as soon as the other "side" veers off of "my" beliefs. Then the screaming and name calling starts and nothing changes. Hell I have been called a snowflake on here by a person I would assume has pretty much most of the same values I do, but I disagreed on a subject and tried to discuss my view and all this man wanted to do was call me names.
If they come for your guns would you comply? Would you allow them to be confiscated?


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Maybe he'll just stick to his prepared text?

You ever watch obama speak when he wasn't staring at his teleprompters with his head raised on purpose for the cameras?
He couldn't put a sentence together without multiple uh's, umm's, and other stumbles.
He wasn't the great orator that the media fawned over that had his juice running down the inside of their legs.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
The blacks had a million man march
Women have rallied and Marched,
Antifa rallies,
The good conservative man / women gets up and goes to work while nibble by nibble freedom is lost..
I would LOVE to see/ hear about a rally or march, I'd take vacation time to join in and be proud to say I did it too..
Will it happen ? NO, nibble nibble, I just have to pray my kids or grand kids don't end up with a barcode..
I agree 100%. They have their ducks in a row with the media behind them.
That's the issue. The media will never cover a million person march of conservatives that promote making America better.
They only march to destroy America.

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