Possible terror attacks

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Oct 27, 2012
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At the risk of being labeled a radical veteran, patriot, nationalist, white nationalist, Black nationalist, etc, I submit that we are infiltrated with islamic terrorists and or sympathizers in the highest offices of our own government, universities, schools, businesses as well as our military. We have been invaded right under our noses and never knew what was going on. It's as if it were planned and executed all to plan and the invasion as we post is still under way. And I'd like to add my gratitude to Democrat and Republican politicians for the willful destruction of our country that many have fought and died for!


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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At the risk of being labeled a radical veteran, patriot, nationalist, white nationalist, Black nationalist, etc, I submit that we are infiltrated with islamic terrorists and or sympathizers in the highest offices of our own government, universities, schools, businesses as well as our military. We have been invaded right under our noses and never knew what was going on. It's as if it were planned and executed all to plan and the invasion as we post is still under way. And I'd like to add my gratitude to Democrat and Republican politicians for the willful destruction of our country that many have fought and died for!
I can tie in the university angle.


I tried to find a link to post but didn't find one (yeah, not shocked). This one came in my intelligence feed and I don't know how to post a .pdf here. The gist of it is, over the past decade or so, about $13B in unreported (as required by DoE) dark foreign money has flowed into about 300 universities and colleges. Much of that money has come from totalitarian regimes, and through examining multiple sources, directly corresponds with a substantial increase in anti-Semitic incidents and suppression of free speech and academic inquiry. Excerpt:

Over the last decade, institutions of higher education across the United States of America received
billions of dollars from foreign donors that were not reported to the U.S. Department of Education,
as required. The U.S. Department of Education required that those institutions file reports
detailing how much such funding they received and from where. Using that information available in
public reports, in the present paper, we report four studies examining the extent of such funding
and its statistical relationship to campus political climate and events. Because much of this
undocumented money was provided by authoritarian regimes, we examined the levels and sources of
such funding, and the extent to which this undocumented funding correlated with a deterioration of
liberal democratic norms around free speech and academic freedom, as well as antisemitism on
campus. Because campus antisemitism is not well characterized in peer reviewed literature, we
sought to assess its concurrent validity among other national assessments of antisemitism (reported
by the FBI, ADL). All r’s were high (~.50) indicating strong spatial correspondence between the
three assessments.

Study One found that receipt of undocumented money was associated with erosion of free speech
norms: Increased campaigns to punish scholars for their speech (it was associated with increased
levels of such campaigns from both the left and the right). Studies Two through four addressed the
relationship between undocumented funding and antisemitism. Study two found that receipt of
undocumented money was associated with increased levels of campus antisemitism, and this
relationship was larger when the undocumented funding came from Middle Eastern/authoritarian
states. Study three found that receipt of undocumented money predicted increased perceptions of
campus antisemitism in a national survey administered to 1748 college students. Using Granger
Causality temporal analyses, study four found: 1. A positive directional association between campus
antisemitic incidents and antisemitic incidents on the county level; and 2. a higher temporal
correlation between use of the #Israeliapartheid hashtag on Twitter and antisemitic incidents at
education institutions that received undocumented funding than those institutions that did not.

In its totality, these findings described how a lack of transparency in funding reporting occurred
in tandem with antidemocratic norms and antisemitism across American institutions of higher
education. Discussion addresses limitations to this research, the role of undocumented funding of
higher education in eroding liberal democratic norms and exacerbating intergroup conflict, and
directions for future research.

Overall Conclusion: A massive influx of foreign, concealed donations to American institutions of
higher learning, much of it from authoritarian regimes with notable support from Middle Eastern
sources, reflects or supports heightened levels of intolerance towards Jews, open inquiry, and free

Key Findings
● At least 100 American colleges and universities illegally withheld information on approximately
$13 billion in undocumented contributions from foreign regimes, many of which are authoritarian.
● In institutions receiving such undocumented money:

○ Political campaigns to silence academics were more prevalent
■ Campuses receiving undocumented funds exhibited approximately twice as many campaigns to silence
academics as those that did not.
○ Students reported greater exposure to antisemitic and anti-Zionist rhetoric.
○ Higher levels of antisemitic incidents were reported on their campuses.
○ This relationship of undocumented money to campus antisemitism was stronger when the undocumented
donors were Middle Eastern regimes rather than other regimes.
■ From 2015-2020, Institutions that accepted money from Middle Eastern donors, had, on average,
300% more antisemitic incidents than those institutions that did not.
● Campus-level antisemitic incidents forward predict county-level antisemitic incidents.
● Speech intolerance—manifesting as campaigns to investigate, censor, demote, suspend, or terminate
speakers and scholars—was higher at institutions that received undocumented money from foreign
● Institutions receiving undocumented money from foreign regimes evidence higher correlation
between antisemitic incidents and inflammatory social media signals than those that do not.

Introduction: Widespread Failure to Report Donation from Foreign Regimes

In 2019, the U.S. Department of Education uncovered billions of dollars in undocumented funds
contributed to American universities, with a good deal of it coming from authoritarian regimes
hostile to the fundamental principles of democracy and human rights. These findings captured the
attention of lawmakers and led to numerous presentations, investigations, and testimonies involving
US officials from the Department of Education (Camera, 2020; Dennett, 2019; Thompson et al., 2020).
In this paper, we report the results of research investigating the relationships between these
flows of undocumented funds to institutions of higher education in the U.S., and campus threats to
free speech and rises in antisemitism

Undocumented money provides a frustrating research subject, given the obfuscation involved. Studies
of this form of secretive influence, the most notorious of which involves groups or individuals
funneling money into political and publicity campaigns through anonymized vectors shielded from
public scrutiny, tend to focus on issues of “conflicts of interest, transparency, academic and
scientific integrity, and coercion” (Jones, 2014). Yet while the sources of the funds may be
unknown to the public, philanthropic contributions often come from efforts to establish close
relationships, especially in the long term (Morrison, 2015), these funding relationships can even
lead to the donor and recipient co-creating “gifts” together (Shaker & Nelson, 2021).
Examples of “dark money” include the tobacco industry, oil and gas, and pharmaceutical companies
(Jones 2014), and a recent study indicates the flow of such undocumented funds to US universities
from foreign governments, particularly in the Middle East (Small and Bass, 2019). Efforts by
countries in the Middle East to influence politics and society in the West is well documented.
Roberts (2019) and Diwan (2021) argue that Qatar develops institutions to promote “soft power” in
the West in order to improve its relationship with established powers and its role in the Middle
East. Felsch (2016) argues that Qatari influence networks cannot be considered “soft power,” since
it depends more on wealth and payments to “affect outcomes”—a form of “hard power.” Walsh (2011,
2019) discusses Qatar’s efforts to develop relationships with US universities as a kind of
“win-win” through which the country hopes to develop more critical thinking among its own citizens.
However, others caution that the development of transnational academic relationships with
authoritarian states must proceed with caution, even while promoting the virtues of an open society
(Long, O’Connell and Hugins 2021).
The present study examined the relationship of undocumented funding to democratic norms and
antisemitism in institutions of higher education in the US. To do this, we first assess different,
converging concepts of authoritarianism, drawing an overall understanding of the effort to preserve
an in-group cohesion through the repudiation and scapegoating of out-groups, along with the
suppression of internal dissent. We then analyze the influence of foreign funding and investment
from authoritarian states, using the model of China’s role in Hungarian political life and, in
particular, its academic institutions. Lastly, we observe the close links between antisemitism and
authoritarianism in order to complete the analytical framework for a quantitative study of the
impacts of foreign funding from various sources on domestic antisemitism in and around US
institutions of higher learning.

It goes on to list every college receiving and not reporting this dark money, down to the dollar. All the usual suspects are there, along with some that are surprising. Example: The University of Oklahoma took $25,725,486.00, which is not surprising and was the location of the only pro-Hamas protest in Oklahoma that I'm aware of. Over $25 million puts them all the way down in 84th place, so we’re talking big money. The top two got over a BILLION each. (Several Oklahoma colleges were on the list. The one that wasn’t: OSU)

TL;DR: When these higher education institutions where these protests and anti-Semitic incidents are happening say they don't condone them, they're lying through their cash grabbing teeth. They’re literally getting paid to facilitate this stuff. :(


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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I say with fairly high confidence, that the US will suffer another large attack from transnational terrorist organization affiliated foreign fighters in the near future (1-3 years). I have low confidence that such an attack will be prevented by our intelligence community. It's all but inevitable.

Oh you can bet there will, likely sooner than that. We need something to happen to blame Iran so we can finally satisfy that war-boner we've had for them for the longest. I've been expecting our benevolent government to arrange something to help that along.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
I was at the local watering hole last week and a couple setting next to me got up and left, minutes later I looked down and see a backpack leaned against the bar. My first thought was HOLY CRAP. I told an employee, and she picked it up and it was empty.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Our crew is resigned to the fact that the biden open door policy will result in a large scale terrorist attack somewhere in the US in the near future if Palestine is wiped off the map as Israel intends for revenge.
Still living the good life having fun daily, but nobody is attending large events, restricting shopping in large box stores, with doing it online as much as possible and so on.
The level of keeping armed went up with pocket pistols put away and more substantial firearms kept available just as a precaution.
Nobody is panicking, everyone is just at a slightly heightened level of observation to be aware of our surroundings.
Hopefully nothing will happened but even the best security in the world was broken by Hamas when they stormed across the border to butcher men, women, and children.


Special Hen
Nov 5, 2022
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Our crew is resigned to the fact that the biden open door policy will result in a large scale terrorist attack somewhere in the US in the near future if Palestine is wiped off the map as Israel intends for revenge.
Still living the good life having fun daily, but nobody is attending large events, restricting shopping in large box stores, with doing it online as much as possible and so on.
The level of keeping armed went up with pocket pistols put away and more substantial firearms kept available just as a precaution.
Nobody is panicking, everyone is just at a slightly heightened level of observation to be aware of our surroundings.
Hopefully nothing will happened but even the best security in the world was broken by Hamas when they stormed across the border to butcher men, women, and children.
Israel's intention is to push Muslim terrorist as refugees to western nations.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
Our crew is resigned to the fact that the biden open door policy will result in a large scale terrorist attack somewhere in the US in the near future if Palestine is wiped off the map as Israel intends for revenge.
Still living the good life having fun daily, but nobody is attending large events, restricting shopping in large box stores, with doing it online as much as possible and so on.
The level of keeping armed went up with pocket pistols put away and more substantial firearms kept available just as a precaution.
Nobody is panicking, everyone is just at a slightly heightened level of observation to be aware of our surroundings.
Hopefully nothing will happened but even the best security in the world was broken by Hamas when they stormed across the border to butcher men, women, and children.
And Hamas has been planning and been here for over 20 years. It's coming and our administration is too weak to defeat it early.

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