So your attacked by a mob and use deadly force, did you commit a murder?

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Weapons are to be felt not seen. He didn’t pull it early and wave it around like an idiot. He used it as a last ditch plan, and it kinda worked. .

Sucks that a kid died but if said kid was comfortable physically assaulting someone taking part in mob violence then basically they reaped what the sew.

Hopefully the law takes it easy on the kid.
We have seen the video. Was it edited?
What did the kid in red do to elicit a beat down? There is likely more to this story than what the video shows.


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Jul 21, 2015
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There was a case years ago, in Missouri i think- where a lawyer shot 2 unarmed guys in his office, and wasnt charged. Apparently they attacked him- knocked him down and went to kicking him, only then did he pull his gun, shooting them both from on his back on the floor..


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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Put me on the jury.

What led up to the attack? As likely nothing, as an actual event. Bullying, eyeballed (?) somebody, spoke to wrong girl, ?????; we may never know.

I don't see much difference in Hamass attacking Israel, getting their azz handed to them and then whining about the whooping.

Azzhat died, oh well, the kid that got attacked will live on.

Oldest son was in HS. Came out of class and seen 3 messcans shoving a kid in a locker. Kid was small, had been picked on most of his school days. He was also, a good kid, had been on my Little League team for 4 years and was a good friend.

Son runs down hall and takes a flying tackle into the messcans, taking all 3 down, from behind. 1 slammed into the locker door and broke collar bone. Another hit floor and broke his nose, knocked 2 front teeth. The 3rd got his knee caught under the other 2 and had to have reconstructive surgery. The fight was over quickly.

A teacher observed the entire incident and hauled son to Principal. They were going to expell son for 2 weeks. I had a long discussion with Principal, then my lawyer addressed school board. We pulled our 3 kids out of school and went private.

My years as a Little League Coach, I had coached many and was well known in the Hispanic community. 1 kid had an older brother that was a capo with the gang. About a month later, the 3 had the crap beat out of them. I got word the problem was resolved. We never had any issues or problems.

The 3 messcans were expelled permanently. 2 ended up in prison, a year later.

OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
The prosecutor won't be looking for those folks. Only the ones that will convict to get a win.

It's exactly the folks they'll be looking for. You obviously misunderstood the intent of my post...and the "" around the word qualified.

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