Are there any vacation destinations for shooters?

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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 30, 2010
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Are there any vacation destinations for shooters?

I'm wondering if there are any places for shooters,,,
Like there are for golfers and other sports.

Somewhere you book a nice room at the facility,,,
Avail yourself of the food & drink amenities,,,
Go shooting at various rifle/pistol ranges,,,
And maybe take a few shooting classes.

I know about the Whittington Center run by the NRA,,,
But I was wondering if something more resort-like out there.

Whittington is a bit Spartan for a vacation,,,
I couldn't find any mention of a restaurant on premise.

Some of their cabin facilities are reasonably priced,,,
But again just a bit Spartan with no bathroom or shower,,,
Apparently there is a central shower and toilet facility that is shared by them.

It would be ideal to wake up in the morning,,,
Head to the facilities restaurant for some breakfast,,,
Attend a course in long-range rimfire techniques and practice.

Come back to the "lodge" for some lunch,,,
Maybe a quick nap.

Then either go out and practice what you learned that morning,,,
Or perhaps attend another class in precision pistol.

Then head back to the lodge for a nice dinner,,,
Perhaps a few drinks at a bar,,,
To share your alibi's.

You get the picture,,,
A vacation lodge for shooters,,,
Like those lake lodges in Minnesota for anglers.

It's probably a pipe dream,,,
But surely as popular as shooting is in the USA,,,
Someone out there might have established a business like this.

Anyone know of one?




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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 30, 2010
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I don’t know of any, but I’d imagine the cost of insurance would be astronomical if alcohol and guns were involved.

There used to be a rental range in Vegas that had a bar,,,
After you paid your entry fee/cover charge,,,
You were issued a photo pass card.

You had to show that card before you could even enter the range area,,,
And you had to keep it in your possession the entire time.

When you went to the bar and ordered a drink you surrendered the card,,,
You couldn't get another card until the next day.

This was about 12-13-14 years ago,,,
I have no idea if they are still in business,,,
I can't remember the name of the place to save my life.

But it did seem like a workable system.




Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jul 30, 2010
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Thanks Chief.

I've heard about Thunder Ranch,,,
I wonder if they have lodging facilities?

No matter,,,
I'll Google them and find out.

A friend of mine took a weeks vacation last year,,,
And went to one of those fishing lodges in Minnesota.

He told me the whole lodge experience was 5-star quality,,,
And the fishing expeditions there were luxurious.

They even processed, froze, and shipped his catches to his home.




Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 7, 2021
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Are there any vacation destinations for shooters?

I'm wondering if there are any places for shooters,,,
Like there are for golfers and other sports.

Somewhere you book a nice room at the facility,,,
Avail yourself of the food & drink amenities,,,
Go shooting at various rifle/pistol ranges,,,
And maybe take a few shooting classes.

I know about the Whittington Center run by the NRA,,,
But I was wondering if something more resort-like out there.

Whittington is a bit Spartan for a vacation,,,
I couldn't find any mention of a restaurant on premise.

Some of their cabin facilities are reasonably priced,,,
But again just a bit Spartan with no bathroom or shower,,,
Apparently there is a central shower and toilet facility that is shared by them.

It would be ideal to wake up in the morning,,,
Head to the facilities restaurant for some breakfast,,,
Attend a course in long-range rimfire techniques and practice.

Come back to the "lodge" for some lunch,,,
Maybe a quick nap.

Then either go out and practice what you learned that morning,,,
Or perhaps attend another class in precision pistol.

Then head back to the lodge for a nice dinner,,,
Perhaps a few drinks at a bar,,,
To share your alibi's.

You get the picture,,,
A vacation lodge for shooters,,,
Like those lake lodges in Minnesota for anglers.

It's probably a pipe dream,,,
But surely as popular as shooting is in the USA,,,
Someone out there might have established a business like this.

Anyone know of one?


Ukraine is lovely this time of year. Im
Not sorry for what ive done!

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