If one catches PV at the right time with a minimum order, there is no hazmat fee.Got an email awhile ago from Powder Valley has them in stock today.
If one catches PV at the right time with a minimum order, there is no hazmat fee.Got an email awhile ago from Powder Valley has them in stock today.
Large rifle primers at American Reloading. About $85/1000 delivered, including freight and hazmat.
Large rifle primers at American Reloading. About $85/1000 delivered, including freight and hazmat.
https://americanreloading.com/product/ginex-large-rifle-primers-free-shipping-haz/Has anyone seen LRP? I have started reloading 308 again and realized I had almost none. I could trade some small rifle primers for them if anyone is interested. These have been stored inside in a closet. No extremes of temperature.
I ordered 5k from AmericanReloading on 6-25.
I don't know if fedex hires very many drivers anymore. most of the trucks say independently owned and operated on the side. kinda think they've practically turned into an offshoot of door dash with lousy service.I ordered 5k from AmericanReloading on 6-25.
Received ship date and track # on 6-28
Received delivery notice from FedEx on 7-3 for delivery 7-5, signature required.
7-10 tracking # was inactive. Contact American, shipment returned "undeliverable", would ship 7-11
Negative feedback on FedEx
7-20 no track #, no confirmation, no delivery. Contact American, no shipment found, would ship immediately.
7-21 confirmation of shipment, tracking #.
7-26 FedEx drove by, stopped at neighbor. Walked out and asked if I had shipment. Driver says no. I say, "my phone says different." He looks in truck and brings out my primers.
More feedback reported to FedEx.